Google Engineer Denounced for Writing Essay That Says Men and Women are Biologically Different

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
August 6, 2017

Big Jewish run tech companies like Google have Marxist workplace cultures that operate like a religious cult.

Most if not all major tech companies fully embrace Cultural Marxism as the founding ideological principal of their workplace culture. This has caused companies like Google, Facebook and other tech firms to operate like deranged religious cults. Disagreeing with any aspect of politically correct doctrines represents an act of heresy and is usually punished with expulsion.

As a former longtime employee at a software company, I can say that this is absolutely the case. It is good to see that there are other people who have noticed the same thing and are exposing it as a problem.

An unnamed Google engineer recently wrote a lengthy essay criticizing an intolerant Marxist culture at the company. It caused such a firestorm that the essay got leaked to the press. It has since become a fairly significant news story.

Miami Herald:

Outrage is growing in Silicon Valley and beyond after a 10-page document written by a senior Google engineer blasted the company’s “left leaning” culture and attributed differences in pay between men and women in tech jobs partly to biological differences between genders.

The document made the rounds within the company on Friday, CNBC reports, and was published in full by Gizmodo.

The essay was titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber.” The engineer’s identity has not been revealed.

“When it comes to diversity and inclusion, Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence,” it reads.

It argues that differences in pay between men and women in the technology sector are not entirely related to bias against women, but are partly attributable to biological differences between the genders, CNBC reports. It also called on Google to “stop alienating conservatives” and calls into question practices like “unconscious bias” training for committees that promote employees.

“Women, on average, have more openness directed towards feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas. Women generally also have a stronger interest in people rather than things, relative to men.”

He states that women tend to be more interested in people rather than things, “empathizing vs. systemizing,” whereas men have a higher drive for status and so tend to end up in leadership positions.

He also says that on average, women have more “neuroticism,” as defined as “higher anxiety, lower stress tolerance.”

The engineer basically said that men and women are biologically different and that this is why men and women tend to have different interests. This in turn explains why you have more male than female engineers. Can you believe that such an obvious statement of fact is considered controversial?

To make the situation even more ridiculous, Google had just hired a new Vice President of Diversity named Danielle Brown. Her sole job is to ensure that Google has enough non-Whites and female engineers on their staff so they can’t be accused of racism or sexism. It’s safe to assume that she is getting paid a very high six figure salary for this obviously ridiculous and nonsensical job.

As expected, she was none too pleased about the essay. After all, stating facts about gender differences is heretical thinking inside any Silicon Valley tech firm.

She wrote a response claiming that the engineer was wrong about men and women being biologically different while emphasizing how diversity and inclusion are fundamental to their values.


I’m Danielle, Google’s brand new VP of Diversity, Integrity & Governance. I started just a couple of weeks ago, and I had hoped to take another week or so to get the lay of the land before introducing myself to you all. But given the heated debate we’ve seen over the past few days, I feel compelled to say a few words.

Many of you have read an internal document shared by someone in our engineering organization, expressing views on the natural abilities and characteristics of different genders, as well as whether one can speak freely of these things at Google. And like many of you, I found that it advanced incorrect assumptions about gender. I’m not going to link to it here as it’s not a viewpoint that I or this company endorses, promotes or encourages.

Diversity and inclusion are a fundamental part of our values and the culture we continue to cultivate. We are unequivocal in our belief that diversity and inclusion are critical to our success as a company, and we’ll continue to stand for that and be committed to it for the long haul. As Ari Balogh said in his internal G+ post, “Building an open, inclusive environment is core to who we are, and the right thing to do. ‘Nuff said. “

Google has taken a strong stand on this issue, by releasing its demographic data and creating a company wide OKR on diversity and inclusion. Strong stands elicit strong reactions. Changing a culture is hard, and it’s often uncomfortable. But I firmly believe Google is doing the right thing, and that’s why I took this job.

Part of building an open, inclusive environment means fostering a culture in which those with alternative views, including different political views, feel safe sharing their opinions. But that discourse needs to work alongside the principles of equal employment found in our Code of Conduct, policies, and anti-discrimination laws.

I’ve been in the industry for a long time, and I can tell you that I’ve never worked at a company that has so many platforms for employees to express themselves—TGIF, Memegen, internal G+, thousands of discussion groups. I know this conversation doesn’t end with my email today. I look forward to continuing to hear your thoughts as I settle in and meet with Googlers across the company.



That was your standard run of the mill corporate response to an internal controversy. Love all those stupid buzzwords!

The fact of the matter is that the only type of diversity and inclusiveness they want is related to race and gender. In other words, fewer White males irregardless of qualifications. They are definitely not interested in having a workforce filled with people who have different political opinions. That’s why she referenced their “Code of Conduct” which I imagine gives them the freedom to fire people who question the idea that their workplace culture needs to be driven by political correctness, quotas etc.

The Jewish founders of Google Larry Page and Sergey Brin foster a diverse and inclusive workplace culture at Google. The exception is if you are a Nazi who thinks there are differences between males and females. These are bad thoughts. Such thinking leads to Holocausts.

And by the way, Google is a company that was started by Jews and is run by Jews. It is no surprise that this is the type of culture that operates there. You’ll find this in any Jewish run organization.

Here’s my prediction. If this engineer isn’t fired for penning this essay, they’ll be treated like a pariah and discriminated against by the open, diverse and inclusive culture of Google.