Groyper War: Tranny-Lover Cernovich and Rat Posobiec Throw Support Behind TPUSA!

Roy Batty and Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2019

In the wake of the absolute bloodbath that was the First Great Battle of the Groyper War, Charlie Kirk and his minions were forced to beat a hasty retreat after being raped by the Nicker Nation.

General Charlie began to panic and overplayed his hand.

Instead of licking his wounds and formulating a new strategy, he decided to call in ALL of the reserves. He’s attempting to force the entire Talking Points USA rogues’ gallery to line up behind him and force a ban of Nick Fuentes from social media.

Now we know who is the shill and who isn’t. Everyone is coming out of the woodwork and picking a side.

Sebastian Gorka

“The Gork” was the big TPUSA shill to kick things off.

First he tweeted, then he started doing shows about Nick. Now he’s doing shows about how he’s being made fun of by Nicker Nation passport holders.

Mike Cernovich

Jack Posobiec

Will Chamberlain

Chamberlain is one of the most aggressive, probably because he is Jewish. He is retweeting everyone who steps to our hero.

Dave Rubin 

Everyone knew this gay kike was gonna come out against.

And there will be others that are either Jews or simply will not be able to resist the urge to Judas their own kin for 40 silver shekels.

Others are rallying to Nick’s side.

Alex Jones

Like Gorka was the first to go against Nick, AJ was the first to line up behind him, inviting him on the show to call out Charlie Kirk as a complete shill.

Stefan Molyneux

Jesse Lee Peterson

Ann Coulter

Ann has been consistently retweeting pro-Groyper, anti-TPUSA posts.

Michelle Malkin

And last, but most importantly…

Roosh V

(I.N.C.E.L.’s spiritual guru/mass rape instructor.)

This is a developing story, folks.

Very soon, we are going to find out where everyone stands because lines are being drawn.

And we won’t have to wait long.

This is going to heat up with the release of Charlie Kirk’s new book.

The Groypers are going to be out in full force.

It will be a bloodbath.


Dan Crenshaw is at Texas A&M on Monday. That’s November 4th.

After that, we’ve got a whole calendar of events, all over the place.

We’re going to keep you updated.