Groyper War: ZOG Strikes Back as Kooky Kike Ben Shapiro Gives Anti-Groyper “Basket of Deplorables” Speech

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2019

We are knees deep in the Groyper War, and it has largely been nothing but wins for us. The best thing that the side of evil and Jews thought to do was to not release film of the groypings of Congressman Dan Crenshaw.

We were bound to hit some kind of resistance. Because we had literally been rolling over these people, as they panicked, did crisis management, didn’t manage the crisis. Zioclops Crenshaw had tried to strike back by for some reason getting into a Twitter match with Paul Joseph Watson.

The bastard simply pretended that he couldn’t perceive the depth of the issue.

People were asking me Thursday afternoon what I expected from Ben Shapiro, and if I thought he would get groyped at his Thursday night Stanford event. I said no, that I did not think he’d get groyped, and that I was in fact expecting some major pushback from him.

I was a little bit worried, in fact.

I shouldn’t have been.

The Jew, as is his way, spilled his entire spaghetti all over the stage. He gave a 40-minute speech about Nick Fuentes, wherein he said literally nothing of substance, simply insulted Nick, made up a series of fake arguments that we’ve presented at these events and gave fake answers to them.

It was a “Basket of Deplorables” type speech that was, from an outsider’s point of view, utterly incoherent. You would absolutely have to be following this drama closely to even understand what he was referencing, meaning that virtually no one who the speech was targeted at would understand the basic context of it.

In an example of a kind of “ultimo Jew neurosis,” the kooky kike Shapiro did not even mention Nick Fuentes by name! He simply talked about his deplorableness, while referring to him as “this certain influencer.”

The entire speech indicated a state of absolute panic by Shapiro and his Jewish and shabbos goy friends, because they literally did not work through what the purpose of this was. It was simply a “we have to do something” type of maneuver.

“So okay, let’s play up our enemy, make them look incredibly important, advertise how scared we are of them, tell everyone that we are thinking about them all the time, then claim that it would be easy to simply debate their ideas, but we won’t debate them because we don’t debate people who are evil – we only debate radical communists.” 

(At one point, the Jew read out the entire Cookie Monster joke – which he claims is “Holocaust denial” – then started justifying the Holocaust myth with stories about four bodies being shoved into crematoria and female bodies being used as fuel. Literally no one other than Holocaust deniers understood the “four ovens” reference, Ben. Anyone who knows there were only four crematoria no longer believes in this stupid myth. By the way, he did that whole Holocaust bit BEFORE and then AFTER saying that Americans should forget about his country attacking the USS Liberty – because it was “over 50 years ago”! Imagine it!)

The basic argument – again, very esoteric and only to be understood by the initiated – was that “America First” is secretly “the Alt-Right in disguise,” and that everyone already knows that the Alt-Right is evil, so everyone needs to dismiss America First the same way. Shapiro even cited me, saying that I am a Nazi and America First. Well, I was never a “Nazi,” this is not a real thing, I was always exactly what I say I am: a White Christian American who believes America is and should remain a White Christian Country. And I hate the Jews – for what I think are painfully obvious reasons.

It doesn’t help that Ben Shapiro is a fundamentally repulsive person, and is incapable of making a joke without creating a “wait, what?” situation. This is not simply an insult that the speech was incoherent – he would simply lodge insults, and then spew out academic-sounding terminology in order to hide the confusing nature of what he’d just said, like Batman disappearing after throwing a smoke bomb.

So I’m lodging this in the “win” category.

It does nothing at all to forward the agenda of the ZOG machine. They had to have known that no one would really be able to follow along with what Shapiro was saying, so the reason they gave the speech was so that they could attempt to say “well we already addressed all of this in that Shapiro speech.” But if they say that, anyone is just going to say “okay well, can you explain it again?”

It also does nothing at all to shore up their “we won’t talk to you” position, because the entire speech was an advertisement for how relevant Nick Fuentes and the Groyper Army are.

Furthermore, anyone who was paying attention and understood the context of Ben’s speech – which again, is not a lot of people – would know that Ben Shapiro staged his entire Q&A with prescreened questions because he was afraid of facing Groypers.

The more I think about it, the more his speech almost only makes sense in terms of some kind of Kabbalistic ritual.

Meanwhile, on our side – it has totally energized us.

So – I’m feeling pretty good here, lads.

The question now is: if Nick is important enough to warrant an entire speech, then why won’t Shapiro – or any of his minions – debate him?

If Nick’s ideas are so terrible – and Shapiro is a believer in the open exchange of ideas – then it would have been a whole lot easier for him to have invited Nick to that event last night and just spent the 40 minutes humiliating him in person, rather than arguing with his ghost.

I think Shapiro should #DebateNick.

Tonight in Arizona

I believe that from this point forward, we should assume that all of the Q&As are going to be stacked.

And we should be loud.

These people just dumped a bunch of putrid bodies in our swimming pool. The pool boy started vomiting and quit his job. There is no room left for civility here, until there is a debate with Nick.

Please read what I wrote yesterday about the plan for Arizona tonight and California tomorrow.

We have a plan.