Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2020

The vile kike Sarah Silverman is out there shilling for Liz Warren in the Bernie v. Liz row.
The aggressively stupid and totally fringe NeverWarren hashtag is trending because of the people who are pointing out that it’s stupid. Don’t let a few dummies ruin Bernie or Warren for y’all. They are both stellar leaders and humans.
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) January 15, 2020
Notice how she included Bernie Sanders in the tweet while attacking Bernie Sanders’ supporters by supporting the nasty injun squaw.
The #NeverWarren hashtag was started by Bernie people who hate that repulsive Squanto cunt and are agitating against her to get her out of the race.
CNN tried to politically assinate Bernie last night. Why would we EVER turn that on again?
CNN has no power if we don’t watch.
If you have Comcast and have it turned on, you’re helping their ratings. Comcast feeds into Neilson. #CNNisTrash #NeverWarren
— Carol Leonard Earn My Vote (@laughingcat2016) January 15, 2020
I'm just going to say it, but I don't know what level of stupid you'd have be, or how far up the Clintons' ass you youd have to be to believe Bernie Sanders said a woman can't be president to Elizabeth Warren
Shameful if you are that dumb or corrupt. #CNNisGarbage#NeverWarren
— citizen uprising (@cit_uprising) January 15, 2020
HOLY SHIT. This audio between Bernie & Liz proves all of us right. We’re done with her. She is a lair. A gaslighter. She’s done. That’s it. #NeverWarren
— Fiorella Isabel? (@Fiorella_im) January 16, 2020
For the better part of 4 years, completely sexist and bigoted people on this website have promoted #NeverBernie with insanely sick smears and attacks to nary a peep
But #NeverWarren trends for 1 day, and now suddenly Berners are the only ones to be treated like children
— Metal Gear Winkle: ? Eater? (@WinkleBerns) January 15, 2020
Look I dont think the #NeverWarren and snake emojis are helpful either but this is what happens when candidates play dirty and I'm not sympathetic to the people both amplifying the "Bernie is a sexist" smear while begging his supporters to play nice
— bung a bob for a Big Ben bong for Brexit (@lib_crusher) January 15, 2020
Berners look at what Warren did last night & ask yourself who she will throw her delegates to at the DNC even when Bernie beats Biden. Sanders can actually win the primary & still be robbed by a Biden/Warren deal based on fake “unite all wings of the party” excuse. #NeverWarren
— Mike Prysner (@MikePrysner) January 15, 2020
People hate that grumpy old hag.
The people want Bernie, which is why kikes like Silverman are smart enough to come out and shill for Warren without denouncing Bernie in the way that Obama, Hillary and other goy shills have.
If this communist revolution happens and all the rich people are killed, it will be 95% Jews who get what they deserve.
Communism=killing the rich.
The rich in America=Jews.
Simple math, folks.
It is time to #FeelTheBern and #BernTheKikes.