Harry Reid Under Attack for Hilarious Racist Asian Jokes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

August 23, 2014

I do not like Harry Reid, at all.  However, he is apparently a complete racist.  Which is good.  I guess.  Or… not sure.

In the above clip, he makes some pretty hilarious racist jokes about Asians.  First he says the “Asian population is so productive…I don’t think you’re smarter than everybody else, but you’ve convinced a lot of us you are.”

Which is pretty funny.  On a couple different levels.

Then he meets an Asian named Wong and says “I’ve been having trouble keeping my Wongs straight.”

I’m not sure what to think of that one.  Though I do definitely like it.  Is it an impotency joke?  I mean, is that what it is?  Really?  Or am I just a pervert for taking it that way?

He could have added “maybe I need Viagrwong.”  But maybe he doesn’t need to.  Maybe his sense of humor is so subtle, it is almost Asian in nature.

Next time he introduces Obama though, I want to hear racist jokes.  Maybe something like “I prepared a speech, but I folded it up in my wallet, and the President stole it.”  No, not subtle enough for Harry.  Maybe “sorry I’m late, but the President raped my wife and broke all her front teeth out.  She is in the hospital, dying of internal bleeding.  Black people though – what are you gonna do?  Ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama…”

No, no.  That is certainly not subtle enough for Harry.  This is why I’m not a speech writer.

Maybe he could make some clever quip about Obama infecting him with Ebola…?

What do you guys think?