Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 1, 2020

Well, this isn’t the sort of thing you want women telling the world.
It’s downright embarrassing.
A onetime aspiring actress told a Manhattan jury on Friday that Harvey Weinstein raped her in a hotel room while she was in an “extremely degrading” relationship with the movie producer.
The woman, Jessica Mann, said she told no one about what had happened.
“I was so embarrassed,” she said, crying on the witness stand.
Mann likened Weinstein to “Jekyll and Hyde,” saying he could be charming in public but often showed frightening anger when they were alone.
“If he heard the word ‘no,’ it was like a trigger for him,” she said.
She also claimed that Weinstein has no testicles and appeared to have a vagina.
Mann said she thought Weinstein was “intersex” the first time she saw him naked.
“The first time I saw him fully naked,” she said, “I thought he was deformed and intersex. He has an extreme scarring that I didn’t know, maybe [he] was a burn victim …”
“He does not have testicles, and it appears that he has a vagina,” Mann said.
Weinstein reportedly slumped his head in the courtroom when Mann described his purportedly deformed genitals.
“He also peed on me once,” she said.
How is this real?
Why did they ask her about this?
Weinstein, 67, has pleaded not guilty to raping Mann and to sexually assaulting another woman, Mimi Haleyi. Since 2017, more than 80 women have accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct.
Weinstein has denied any nonconsensual sex.
Mann, now 34, testified that she met Weinstein in late 2012 or early 2013 at a party in Los Angeles and that he told her he was interested in her as an actress.
Weinstein later invited her and her friend to a hotel suite in Los Angeles, Mann testified. When they arrived, Mann said, Weinstein pulled her into a bedroom, leaving her friend outside.
There, she said, Weinstein told her to sit on the bed and performed oral sex on her. Mann said she pretended to have an orgasm so he would stop.
Weinstein is not charged with a crime in connection with that encounter.
Mann said she then entered into a relationship with Weinstein.
“I entered into what I thought was going to be a real relationship with him and it was extremely degrading from that point on.”
Who would have thunk it?
She had no way to know that a relationship with Harvey Weinstein would be degrading.

The poor little dear was only 27 when she entered into this relation – basically a small child, with no knowledge of the ways of the world.
When Assistant District Attorney Joan Illuzzi asked her why she stayed in a relationship, Mann, often crying, said there was “no short answer.”
“One of the aspects initially was that I had had a sexual encounter” with him, she said. “That wasn’t something I could undo. That really confused me and hurt me.”
She couldn’t leave the relationship because she was too degraded by the fact she’d had sex with Harvey Weinstein!
His deformed penis looked like a vagina!
He peed on her, man!
She said she engaged in oral sex with Weinstein during the relationship but never had intercourse with him until he raped her at a hotel in Manhattan in 2013.
She said she wrote “flattering” emails during her relationship with Weinstein but that those were driven by fear.
She was driven by fear to write emails!
She was such an innocent, fragile thing!

Feminism tells us that women are just as strong as men, but we must always remember the other thing feminism tells us: women are weak and fragile creatures that have no ability to resist anything a man does, and even a fat pathetic pisser can drive fear into a woman, simply by the fact that he is a man!
Weinstein was literally dragging this fragile and helpless creature around the entire country to rape her in various different locations.
In another incident, Weinstein raped her inside a DoubleTree hotel room in Manhattan, and afterward, Mann found a needle in the bathroom that she believed the Oscar-winner used to inject himself with “medicine” enabling him to get an erection, she testified.
“I was panicked because my worst nightmare was about to happen,” she said through tears, describing the moments before the alleged assault. “I was very angry inside and very scared. I gave up at that point.”
Later that year, after Mann admitted to Weinstein that she’d started dating a well-known actor, he allegedly raped her again at a Beverly Hills hotel, ripping off her pants and screaming that she owed him “one more time,” she testified.
Despite her desire to put an end to her contact with him after the first assault, she felt “trapped” because Weinstein constantly reminded her about the power he wielded in the industry she was so desperately trying to break into.
Yes, she was trapped and had to be raped repeatedly or otherwise it would hurt her job prospects.
She was helpless.

This is my favorite part:
Mann said she tried to end the relationship after multiple uncomfortable encounters—including one situation where Weinstein “said ‘Do you like my big, fat, Jewish dick?’”—but admitted she stayed in contact with him out of fear for her family and the future of her career.
It’s almost as if there was some element of sadism in Weinstein, a Jew, using his burn victim vagina-like dick to defile the shiksa.

Of course, suggestions of such a thing would be anti-Semitic, and anti-Semitism is even worse than sexist rape.
What we also learned is that when you reject Weinstein’s big, fat Jewish cock in favor of dating a handsome young goy, he turns into a werewolf and you cannot resist his viciousness.
Months later, in November 2013, Mann said she saw Weinstein again when he came in for a haircut at the Peninsula Hotel, where he’d helped her secure a job as a stylist. At the time, she’d just started a relationship with a “well-known actor” and was “avoiding telling Harvey,” she testified.
When she finally told him about the new relationship, Weinstein was furious and his “eyes turned black,” Mann recalled.
“He was screaming, ‘You owe me, you owe me one more time!’ as he was dragging me into the bedroom,” she said through tears, wiping her face with a tissue. “He was demanding that I take off my clothes, and I was begging, ‘Please no.’ He stood over me and said, ‘Take off your clothes,’ and I said, ‘no,’ again.”
Angrily, Weinstein answered, “I don’t have time for games,” before he “lunged” at her, violently ripping off her pants “so fast and so hard,” Mann alleged.
“He scratched me. It hurt it stung like a paper cut but deeper,” she recalled. “And I froze and I lost my voice and I crawled back to the pillows and I got in a ball because I had no strength.”
Weinstein then went to another room, but before she was able to run away, he “grabbed both” of her ankles and began to forcibly perform oral sex on her before violently raping her, she testified.
“Almost every other time he would get fully naked, but this time he had a T-shirt on,” Mann said, barely able to speak through the tears. “I couldn’t breathe, he was so heavy on me.”

She blacked out during the rape, she testified, and the next thing she remembers is being on her knees as Weinstein forced her to perform oral sex. “When he was done he went and laid on the bed and I crawled to the bathroom on my hands and legs…and tried to get rid of the taste in my mouth,” she said.
Afterward, Weinstein allegedly told her, “Now you can have your relationship.”
The producer told her that she could be his “wing girl” and bring her women to sleep with, before apologizing and justifying the assault by stating he finds her “so attractive,” Mann said. The former actress said she “was too scared to confront him” about the rape, and didn’t tell anyone about the assault until 2017—when she spoke to authorities.
Weinstein’s defense attorney, Damon Cheronis, is expected to question Mann about the hundreds of “loving” emails and notes she wrote to him over the years. Cheronis said Mann referred to Weinstein as her “casual boyfriend” in one note to herself and often asked the movie mogul to meet up.
“Thank you for your unfailing support and kindness,” she wrote in one message.
Yes, you have to write such messages to Rapestein, or he will destroy your career.
This is how rape works.
It’s all as real as the Holocaust and the Wall of Eyes.