Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 15, 2014

The pro-Jew snake and low level retard Henry Rollins has written an op-ed praising the now-dead Jewish filthbag Joan Rivers.
Writing for the LA Times, the pretentious atheist and lying rat Rollins praised the Jewess Joan as some type of comedy hero, celebrating the fact that the bitch openly destroyed our culture and normalized abortion in the minds of the people by making jokes about it.
Culturally, this had to happen and who better to break it into pieces than Joan Rivers. To be able to reference abortion on the national airwaves, that could lose you your future but she went for it, told the truth, and got a laugh.
He then rambles on about what a great job she did, even though no one can point to anything she actually said that was funny. She took the typical Jew route, and instead of actually making humorous observations, simply made dirty and offensive comments, which the goyim were attracted to because it was naughty.
The fact that Rivers was considered a relevant figure in our society is proof of Jew control, but the success of a talentless hack such as Rollins – a non-Jew – is almost a more damning indictment of the West. He is not a Jew, but is the exact sort of goyim who will sell himself out to the Jews – a talentless fraud who will do anything for attention.
Rollins should be trolled for promoting this trash. Comments are still open on the article.