Here’s How Ukraine Can Still Win: Jew American Ruler Celebrates Weapons Shipment to Jew Ukrainian Ruler

A Jew and his negro manservant representing a white country go to meet a Jew representing a white country. They are allies in a war against a white country not run by Jews.

The Jews have reached a consensus: they will fight until the last Ukrainian.

It’s a real statement about the Ukrainians themselves that they’re allowing this Jew that rules them to collude with all of these foreign Jews to completely destroy their country.

Why don’t they complain? I get that Zelensky shut down all opposition media and banned all opposition parties (to protect democracy), but still – their entire country is being destroyed by this bizarre war that is being fought in their country by two foreign powers. You’d think by this point, normal Ukrainians would be asking: “hey, what does this have to do with me???”

“If you Jews want to have a war with Russia, you should go do it in Israel.”


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made an unannounced visit to Ukraine on Sunday, where they promised additional military funding and diplomatic support to the country amid the Russian offensive.

News outlets said that, due to security concerns, reporters accompanying Washington’s top diplomat and defense chief were barred from reporting on the trip until the officials left Ukraine.

President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the visit during a press conference on Saturday, but the US publicly confirmed that it had happened only on Monday.

“We had the opportunity to demonstrate directly our strong ongoing support for the Ukrainian government and for the Ukrainian people,” Blinken told reporters after crossing from Ukraine to Poland.

“The strategy that we’ve put in place, massive support for Ukraine, massive pressure against Russia, solidarity with more than 30 countries engaged in these efforts, is having real results.”

Yeah, results of death and destruction.

You can’t just keep claiming that the Ukraine is winning. It was always insane, but it get more insane every time you Jews say it.

And what are they winning? If it was in some land of unicorns and gumdrops possible for the Ukraine to drive Russia out of their country by force, what would they win?

  • Express review of their application for NATO membership
  • The right to use CIA-trained neo-Nazis to slaughter people in the Donbass for no clear reason

That’s what the Ukrainian people are being asked to fight and die for.

This incentive structure is very strange.

Austin said that the US has “the mindset” to help Ukraine win the fight against Russia.

Blinken and Austin promised President Volodymyr Zelensky more than $322 million in new military aid, news agencies said, citing US officials. Washington will also reportedly sell Ukraine up to $165 million worth of “nonstandard ammunition.”

Yeah, the US government gives them money to buy weapons from arms companies that lobby the US government to give countries money to buy their products.

We all know this story.

That is of course just a subplot to the eternal story of the Jewish war against Russia.