Hero Shkreli Sentenced to 7 Years for BEING AWESOME Without a LICENSE!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2018

Martin Shkreli did nothing wrong and he isn’t being persecuted for any alleged criminal wrongdoing, he is being persecuted for bucking the system. He has continually made a mockery of political correctness and has gotten rich off of trolling, something which is extremely offensive to the system.

Even more offensive to the system is that he didn’t even care about the money he made and constantly made a joke out of being rich by doing things like spending millions of dollar on Wu-Tang albums.

Shkreli is a folk hero and this is a political crucifixion.

NBC News:

A Brooklyn federal judge dismissed the tearful plea for mercy from “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli and sentenced him Friday to seven years in prison for defrauding investors.

Shkreli, a snarky social media maven who got his nickname after he infamously tried to squeeze AIDS patients by jacking up the price of a life-saving drug, wept as he apologized to the investors.

“This is my fault,” he said. “I am not the victim here… Please give me a chance to to show what I’m capable of.”

But Judge Kiyo Matsumoto, who had the court officer pass Shkreli a box of tissues at one point, was unmoved by his pleading, although the sentence she handed out was far less than the 15 years prosecutors had been seeking.

Minutes later, Shkreli was marched out of the courtroom in handcuffs.

It was an ignominious turn for the fallen entrepreneur, whose attorney had asked Matsumoto to limit his prison sentence to 12 to 18 months.

Defense lawyer Benjamin Brafman has already announced his intention to appeal the conviction.

Yeah, see.

Jew lawyer, self-kiking.

Shkreli, 34, was convicted of bilking backers of the hedge fund he ran and of fraud in connection with the manipulation of stock shares in Retrophin, which was one of his drug companies.

In arguing for a reduced sentence, Brafman argued that none of Shkreli’s investors ultimately lost any money and that he never personally benefited from his actions.

Prosecutors, however, contended Shkreli caused anywhere from $9 million to $20 million in losses — and Matsumoto agreed.

That claim was insane, based on a theoretical amount of money which could have been made – no actual investor money was ever lost.

He lied about some shit, big whoop.

On Monday, she ordered the forfeiture of some $7.36 million in Shkreli’s assets, including the one-of-kind Wu-Tang Clan album “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin” that he bought at an auction for $2 million.

When Shkreli was convicted last summer, he boasted that he would probably spent less than a year at “Club Fed,” a cushy minimum-security facility where he could play tennis and Xbox.

But he quickly found himself behind bars at a tough federal lockup when a judge revoked his bail for offering his Facebook followers $5,000 to pluck a hair off Hillary Clinton’s head during her book tour.

The self-styled Wall Street bad boy said it was a joke. But the judge said he was a threat and tossed him into the Brooklyn Metropolitan Correction Center to live among mobsters, drug smugglers and terror suspects while awaiting sentencing.


The judge was a stupid bitch who had political motivations for what she did to him.

This whole thing is political – and they’re getting away with it because so many people hate him for his 1337 skills.
