Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 25, 2020

Finally, a news story that isn’t about Coronavirus. Though it is a sad tale.
We are all occupied by slut occupation governments. Even those of us without Jews, such as South Korea.
And they will use the power of the cops to stop you from shutting down sluts in their tracks.
A man accused of leading a group that blackmailed girls into sharing sexual videos – which were then posted in pay-to-view chatrooms – has been named after an outcry in South Korea.
At least 10,000 people used the chatrooms, with some paying up to $1,200 (£1,000) for access.
Some 74 people, including 16 underage girls, were exploited.
A police committee took the unusual step of naming Cho Ju-bin, 24, after five million people signed petitions.
“I apologise to those who were hurt by me,” Cho said as he was led away from a Seoul police station on Wednesday.
“Thank you for putting a brake on the life of a devil that could not be stopped.”
They will not forgive you, Cho.
Instead of cucking, you should have done a press conference and called them all filthy whores who got what they deserved. Everyone in the world would have supported you.
He did not respond when reporters asked if he admitted the charges.
He is accused of abuse, threats and coercion, and of violating the child protection act, the privacy act and the sexual abuse act.
How did the chatrooms work?
As reported by Quartz, customers paid to access the so-called “nth rooms”, where extorted content from underage girls was uploaded. Fees ranged from $200 to $1,200.
According to Korean newspaper Kookmin Ilbo, each of the eight “nth rooms” hosted videos from three to four girls who had been blackmailed by chatroom operators.
The news doesn’t even explain who these sluts were until they are halfway down the page – they were all e-girls, slutting on the internet for cash when they were entrapped by the intrepid slut-patroller Cho, or as I like to call him, “Cho the Hammer.”
The girls were active on chat apps, or Twitter, and engaged in prostitution or sexting for money.
The chatroom operators contacted the girls, promising modelling or escort jobs.
They were then directed to a Telegram account where the operator extracted personal details which were used to blackmail them.
Who were the victims?
One schoolgirl – speaking to Kim Hyun Jung on South Korea’s CBS radio – said she was approached online after looking for work.
After being promised money and a phone, she was told to send pictures of herself, followed by sexual abuse videos.
“Sexual abuse videos.”
It just never ever ends with this slut occupation.
They are being called “abuse videos” because it is the decree of the feminist occupation that any slut under the age of 18 is a slut under special slut protections.
They were “abusing themselves,” according to the feminist occupation.
The victim said there were at least 40 videos in total.
“He already had my face, my voice, my personal information,” the victim said.
“I was afraid that he would threaten me with that information if I said I would quit.”
‘The fury will not stop here’
Angry South Koreans don’t just have a name – they now know the face of the man who allegedly called himself “The Doctor”.
Doctor JUSTICE more like.
His comments outside the Seoul police station will have done nothing to quell the deep wave of anger sweeping through supporters of women’s rights in the country.
More than two million signed a petition to have Cho’s identity made public. They got their wish. But the fury will not stop there.
Why did they want him doxed?
Because they want to destroy his life or because they want to spur some white knight into killing him?
The National Police Agency told reporters that 124 suspects had been arrested – with 18 chat room operators in custody – since September. Cho is one of the 18.
A user called GodGod, who is suspected of first creating the chat room, remains at large.
“Through strict investigation, the police will entirely transform the social apathy to digital sex crime and strongly root out such crime from our society,” said Min Gap-ryong, commissioner general of the Korean National Police Agency.
Godspeed, GodGod. May you slip away like a thief in the night from the slut-enforcers who hound you.
Cho should be given a medal and a position at the top of the military.
Instead, he will rot in a cold cage.

Such is the nature of the abuse we suffer under.
And we are all going to pay for allowing the creation of a society that is literally run by women.