Hillary Goes to India to Push Complete Vaginal Dominance and Change the Weather

The Third World can’t even grasp the concept that women should be owning businesses, and without decades of brainwashing, women do not think this is a good idea.

Even in America now, you don’t really have a lot of woman-owned businesses. Women simply do not have this drive. They love the fantasy of independence (which is a total fantasy – remove the trappings of civilization and all these bitches are getting raped), but they live out this fantasy in the most obvious way: by taking jobs serving men.


Former Democratic US Representative Tulsi Gabbard has continued her long-running feud with Hillary Clinton following the ex-Secretary of State’s recent visit to India. She told Fox News that the trip served little purpose, and shows that former presidential candidate is a “dangerous character” who is “envious” of Joe Biden.

Clinton arrived in India on February 5, visiting salt pan workers in Gujarat where she announced a $50-million initiative intended to empower women and communities to fight against climate change.

However, Gabbard – who left the Democrat Party last year – has since said that Clinton’s visit to drum up support for alternative clean energy shows that she still covets diplomatic authority and is “envious” of Joe Biden’s presidency.

“Her desire to be commander-in-chief that she’s had for a very long time has nothing to do with ensuring the safety and security of the American people,” Gabbard said on FOX News’ ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’ show Thursday. “It has everything to do with the fact that if there’s a war to be fought, she wants to be the one with her finger on that proverbial trigger.”

She added that she believes Biden to be “channelling her warmongering ways.” Clinton has previously referred to Gabbard as a “Russian asset,” which prompted the former Hawaii Democrat to launch a defamation lawsuit.

Gabbard also stated that Clinton’s visit to India did nothing to address India’s more pressing issues, such as tensions with its neighbor Pakistan, and that its only benefit was to increase her own public profile. “This is what makes her such a dangerous character,” Gabbard said. “She feels that she’s not accountable to anyone because she’s not suffering those consequences.”

I don’t really trust Tulsi Gabbard at all, frankly.

Probably, Clinton’s India trip was mostly about shady personal dealings, though we do note that the US is still attempting to get India on sides in their war against China. It’s possible she was handing out bribe money.

Of course, Tulsi would never talk about that because she is a part of this China war cartel. She claims to be the most anti-war person ever, so it’s going to maybe have some impact when she says “yeah except China though.”

I know I always say bitches are looking rough and doing low down rough riding, but I haven’t seen a rough rider ride this low in a long time.

I can’t imagine Indian women are looking at that and thinking “when I’m grandma’s age, I want to be going around the world nagging strangers in foreign countries.”

Maybe they are.