Holy Shit I Think This is the First Time I’ve Ever Seen a Saudi Woman’s Face

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2019


No wonder they make these women wear those trash bags.

This bitch is 18-years-old and looks like a pile of dogshit.

Also: please imagine the magic of photoshop and the vanity of all women:

It’s just unbelievable, the behavior of the female creature.

Moslems absolutely have the right idea with forced child marriage, extreme dress code, beatings, rape as punishment, etc.

This situation is absolute proof. You let the whore out of your sight for one single second and she’s on a plane to another country to publicly denounce her family, nation and religion on the internet.

You have to beat them, you have to rape them. You might not like it, but that’s just the way it is.


A young Saudi woman has barricaded herself into a hotel in Thailand, saying that she has fled from abusive relatives and will be killed if sent back home. Her claims have caught the attention of human rights campaigners.

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, 18, a Saudi national, says she intended to seek asylum in Australia but a representative from the Saudi Embassy seized her passport in Bangkok airport on Sunday.

She has barricaded herself in a hotel room in the airport’s transit zone out of fear that she will be deported to her home country. Thai immigration officials initially indicated that the woman would be sent back on Monday, but later clarified that she wouldn’t be deported immediately, citing safety reasons.

“If deporting her would result in her death, we definitely wouldn’t want to do that,” immigration chief Surachet Hakparn noted.


That’s your standard “Thai person attempts to pretend to understand Western thinking” sentence.

Al-Qunun’s lawyers, meanwhile, said that an injunction calling for deportation procedures to be blocked was rejected in court. The legal team is planning to appeal the decision.

In a video shared on social media, al-Qunun said that she will not leave the room until she has a meeting with UN officials.

The photos taken in her room show that she has barricaded the door with a table and mattresses.

The woman told human rights campaigners she had escaped from physical and psychological abuse that she suffers at the hands of her relatives. She managed to flee during her family’s visit to Kuwait, which, unlike Saudi Arabia, doesn’t require a male relative’s approval for a woman to leave the country. Al-Qunun now fears that she will be jailed upon returning home or even killed.

“My family is strict and locked me in a room for six months just for cutting my hair,” al-Qunun told AFP.

“I’m sure 100 percent they will kill me as soon as I get out of the Saudi jail.”

Human Rights Watch appealed to Bangkok to halt the woman’s planned deportation. The organization’s Deputy Asia Director Phil Robertson blasted the Thai authorities for their “heartless lack of concern” for al-Qunun’s wellbeing.

I can’t even tell if this is an organic event or some Human Rights Watch staged media hoax.

It’s possibly a combination – she could have contacted HRW Jews and they been like “yeah fly to Bangkok and lock yourself in a hotel room lol we’ll take it from there.”

This story has changed a bunch of times in the last 12 hours. They were originally saying that she didn’t have a passport but somehow got on a plane, and that she said she has an Australian visa but actually doesn’t and that Thai immigration was holding her and refusing to give her a Thai visa, then all of the sudden she’s barricaded in a hotel. I read all of that on the BBC late last night (morning in Thailand).

Now they’re saying that her passport was seized by a Saudi diplomat who caught her in the airport – like some kind of secret agent, I don’t know. Saudi says they didn’t do that, and I believe they probably did not, because waiting for her to come out of the terminal at BKK and then somehow forcing her to give up her passport sounds like a completely absurd scenario.

She is probably simply claiming to not have a passport, thinking if she says she had it took and it had an Australian visa in it that Australia would let her go there.

The fact that she is saying she can claim asylum as a human rights refugee of feminism adds a whole new level to the asylum invasion agenda, which is what leads me to believe the entire thing is somehow staged to set a precedent. Putting her in a third country – Thailand, a country which simply refuses to get involved with foreigner bullshit (one of the only nations in the world that wasn’t ever colonized) – creates an immediate “we have to solve this” situation. If she had gone straight to Australia, it wouldn’t create a weird crisis.

Basically, we’re going through a process where anything can be a reason for a “right to migration.”

They haven’t yet said that being poor is a legal reason, technically, but these people coming up from Honduras are just vaguely claiming that random people are threatening to kill them.

The UN migration pact basically said that moving to a white country is the right of every brown person on earth, and now we’ve simply got to figure out the logistics of moving all these people into your neighborhood to live on welfare.

Islamic female escapee migration definitely fits nicely into all of this.