Hong Kong Experiencing Recession Due to CIA Revolutionary Terrorist Operations

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2019

China continues its policy of absolute restraint in the face of US government terrorism.

The Guardian:

Hong Kong’s financial secretary has said the region is in recession after more than five months of anti-government protests, and said it was unlikely to achieve annual economic growth this year.

“The blow to our economy is comprehensive,” Paul Chan said in a blog post on Sunday, adding that figures out on Thursday would show two successive quarters of contraction – the technical definition of a recession.

“The government will be announcing its advance estimates for the third quarter on Thursday. After seeing negative growth in the second quarter, the situation continued in the third quarter, meaning our economy has entered technical recession,” he wrote.

“It seems it will be extremely difficult for us to reach full-year economic growth of 0 to 1%. I would not rule out the possibility that the full-year economic growth will be negative.”

Understand, these attacks by the CIA and the US State Department are acts of war.

This is absolutely no different than when Barack Obama poured all of that CIA money into funding ISIS in order to destabilize the Middle East and attempt to overthrow the Assad government.