Hong Kong Terror: Anti-China Shills Erect Gay Antifa Black Flag Statue

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2019

China exports useful things, like electronic gizmos.

The US exports training programs to teach spoiled rich kids to dress in black, wear masks, riot and attack the cops while claiming they have the moral high ground because the entire concept of keeping order in a civil society is evil and a form of oppression.

Daily Mail:

Anti-China protesters have hauled a 13-foot statue to the top of a famous Hong Kong mountain showing a woman in a gas mask carrying an umbrella and a black flag.

The ‘Lady Liberty’ statue, which proclaims the protest slogan ‘liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times’, was a regular feature at large rallies earlier this summer.

But today organisers said Lady Liberty had made her final journey as they unveiled her at the top of Lion Rock, a 1,624-foot peak overlooking a forest of skyscrapers, intimately linked to the city’s democracy movement.

Alex, a 32-year-old protester who created the statue, said volunteers used the cover of night to carry the eight-and-a-half-stone artwork up the steep path to the summit.

‘We had a team of 16 climbing professionals carrying her in two main pieces all the way to the summit while another 16 members carried equipment and supplies,’ he said.

‘Lion Rock will be the final resting place of the Lady Liberty of Hong Kong,’ the team said in a statement, adding it would be up to authorities to remove it.

Named because its shape resembles the big cat, Lion Rock has been a symbol of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement for years with large banners demanding freedoms or criticising Beijing frequently unfurled by hardy protesters.

‘Lion Rock Spirit’ is used by Hong Kong natives to summarise the city’s can-do attitude, as well as its reputation for liberty compared to the authoritarian mainland.

The mountain overlooks Kowloon’s densely packed working-class districts – where many people who escaped communist China during the worst excesses of the Mao-era first settled.

Alex, Lady Liberty’s creator, said it was inspired by the ‘Goddess of Democracy’ statue that pro-democracy protesters erected in 1989 inside Tiananmen Square before China crushed the movement.

A version of the Goddess of Democracy is a feature of the annual June 4 Tiananmen vigils in Hong Kong, the only place in China where commemorations of the crackdown can still be held.

One of the Goddess of Democracy versions used in the vigils

But with the international financial hub rocked by its own unprecedented protests aimed at halting sliding freedoms under Beijing’s rule, activists wanted to create a Hong Kong version of the Goddess of Democracy.

Much like the protests themselves, which are leaderless and organised online, the design for Lady Liberty was crowd-sourced.

Yes, so once again you have this weird satanic/Masonic style symbolism overlapping with a leftist political agenda.

Torch-bearing goddesses demanding violent revolution in the name of anal sex and so on.