Hours Before Paris Attack, Merkel Confirmed Unlimited Moslem Immigration Will Never End

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2015

"There will be no bargain. I will not give up my favorite decoration. " -Angela Merkel on calls to deport invasive Africans
“There will be no bargain. I will not give up my favorite decoration. ” -Angela Merkel on migrants

Hours before the Paris attack began yesterday, the fat childless wench Angela Merkel came out against critics of her “unlimited Moslems forever” immigration plan, saying that there was no chance she would ever attempt to stem the flow of healthy adult Moslem males into Germany.
Wall Street Journal:

Chancellor Angela Merkel said Friday she is sticking to her open-arms policy toward migrants and Germany should show its friendly face toward those people in need of sanctuary, despite sharp inner-party criticism and talk about a government crisis.

“The chancellor has the situation under control and the overall government too. But we have very special, very challenging times,” she said in an interview with German broadcaster ZDF, dismissing speculation that the migration crisis is getting out of hand.

“I am in favor of showing a friendly face of Germany. This is my open-arms policy.”

Ms. Merkel’s open-arms policy toward refugees has spurred disagreement within her own conservative parties, with some officials warning that Germany can’t handle the wave of migrants coming to the country this year. Berlin forecasts around 800,000 people will seek asylum this year, with some officials saying the number might rise to 1 million.

No one is taking the 1 million number seriously at this point.

An alien force of pure violence and rage. Welcome.
An alien force of pure violence and rage. Welcome.

There are already over a million in Germany and 20,000 people a day crossing the border.

She dismissed suggestions of a power struggle within her government after heavy weights of her own conservative party, such as Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, called for a more effective limit on the influx of refugees in search of protection from war and persecution and of other migrants seeking a better life in Germany.

On Wednesday, Mr. Schäuble compared the migration crisis to an avalanche that got started by a careless skier, saying it is unclear whether Europe is witnessing the beginning or the end of the avalanche.

Mr. Schäuble had left it open who the skier might be he referred to, and his office declined to comment, but German media interpreted the comparison as a criticism of Ms. Merkel.

“Careless skier” is an especially generous metaphor.

Angela Merkel will go down as the only person in history to have completely obliterated an entire ancient culture and society in a single generation.

“Nothing left”

Arabs have obliterated cultures in the name of Islam, and Europe did it to American Indians, but it took hundreds of years in every case. Also, Persians (and other peoples) destroyed by Arabs still maintain some form of identity, as do Native American peoples. In 20 years, it will be as though Germans never existed.

Asked about the comparison, Ms. Merkel declined to comment on it and said “Wolfgang Schäuble is in a class of his own.”


She also defended a decision from early September to allow migrants stranded in Hungary to enter Germany, saying it has been the right one.

Setting a limit to the number of people Germany can take in isn’t possible, she said, because the causes for the unprecedented wave of migrants coming to Europe and Germany in particularly have to be tackled and national responses won’t work.

“I indeed fight. I fight for a policy that I think is right, for my plan that I have: to address the causes for flight, to turn illegality into legality and to migration and to advocate for this with all my strength,” Ms. Merkel said.

Today, in response to Paris, she said she was “crying.”

There was no mention of her policies on Islamization of Europe in light of the attacks, even while Hollande has closed the borders of France.


On Saturday morning, German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the nation in a swift press conference with one message: Germany stands in solidarity with France.

“We, your German friends, we feel so close to you. We are crying with you,” she said.

Saying the terrorists had attacked out of hate against the freedom enjoyed in Europe, she emphasized the need to send a clear message by upholding and asserting their right to live by European values.

The attacks that shocked Paris the previous evening were launched at the same time as Germany and France’s national football teams squared off. French President Francois Hollande and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier were both attending the match.

France and Germany are currently in talks on how to address the crisis, Merkel said on Saturday. She and her cabinet are to meet later in the day.

“We will help you lead the fight against terror, which has done something so unimaginable to you.”

In other news, France has blamed ISIS for the attacks.

Found a funny Google autofill just now. Hollande isn't Jewish, but people of course assume he must be.
Found a funny Google autofill just now. Hollande isn’t Jewish, but people of course assume he must be.

New York Times:

President François Hollande on Saturday blamed the Islamic State for the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday, as the death toll rose to 127 victims, with 300 others hospitalized, 80 of them in critical condition. He declared three days of national mourning, and said that military troops would patrol the capital. France remained under a nationwide state of emergency.

“It is an act of war that was committed by a terrorist army, a jihadist army, Daesh, against France,” Mr. Hollande told the nation from the Élysée Palace, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. “It is an act of war that was prepared, organized and planned from abroad, with complicity from the inside, which the investigation will help establish.”

Mr. Hollande did not specify what intelligence pointed to the militant group’s involvement. On Saturday, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks, but its claim could not be independently verified.

“France, because it was foully, disgracefully and violently attacked, will be unforgiving with the barbarians from Daesh,” Mr. Hollande said on Saturday, adding that France would act within the law but with “all the necessary means, and on all terrains, inside and outside, in coordination with our allies, who are, themselves, targeted by this terrorist threat.”