How Many Fucking Jews Work at Breitbart?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 6, 2019

I think Steve Bannon was a drunk and telling that Jew that stuff about the Russian hoax was basically treason, but I’ll tell you what, Breitbart was readable when he was in charge.

I don’t hardly even go there anymore now.

I just went there just now, and here’s the top of it:

Top story is this inane Ocasio drama.

And check the authors:

Caplan, Caplan, Pollock, Caplan, Caplan.

How many fucking Jews work at this publication?

Who is running it?

Solov, eh?

Of course.

Did you know that Matt Drudge is also Jewish?

That site has gone to hell as well.

Is there any conservative media at all in this country that isn’t run by Jews?

Other than the Daily Stormer?

Why can there be absolutely zero anything that isn’t run by Jews?

I would forgive that drunken bog-trotting sonovabitch Bannon at this point. Let him come back and run Breitbart.

Make it relevant again.

We need all the help we can get, and these kikes do not appear to be helping very much.