Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
June 24, 2015

If there were more SJW women like Ali Michael, there’d be less SJW women like Ali Michael, which would be a good thing — something that even she’d agree with.
This Huffington Post blogger, who has a Ph.D. in premenstrual tension and calls itself ‘professor’, sports a haircut that makes her appear to have been chewed by rats. It is, believe it or not, a calculated look.
Ali’s doing everything she can to de-Whiten herself without resorting to boot polish, but by thinking her way into un-White. She was born in shame, by coming into this world with White skin, and it’s her avowed mission to promote inverse racism in order to encourage other Whites to willingly self-destruct. Then, when all the Whites are gone, the gentle and harmonious peoples of colour will frolic happily in the daisy garden as a rainbow stretches in a liberating arc over the sky, and birds twitter a song of joy.
Thereafter climate change will reverse, drought stricken river beds will once more flow with azure waters, and the energy of all that love will create a fragrant pink cloud over the land like an endless bubble-gum bubble that never bursts. No one will go hungry, there’ll be no bad feels because no one will hurt anyone else’s feels, and all the non-White peoples of this new world of equality will share in prosperity each and alike.
All it will take is for Whites to do the decent thing and own up to their privilege by ceasing to exist. The very idea of a world without Whites makes Ali weak at the knees — well, it’s either that or the meds kicking in and making her drowsy; whichever, the fantasy to her is very real.
In her latest blog, Ali explores “White racial identity development” and says of ridiculous ex-Spokane NAACP blackface hoaxer Rachel Dolezal, “She is stuck in the immersion/emersion stage, in which White people, having learned extensively about the realities of racism, and the ugly history of White supremacy in the U.S., ‘immerse’ themselves in trying to figure out how to be White in our society, and ’emerge’ with a new relationship to Whiteness.”

Yep, don’t try to understand it, just let it go in one eyeball and out the other lest you end up as jelly-brained as the author.
She argues that Dolezal, who once cried “racism” when she tried to sue Howard University for allegedly promoting African American artworks ahead of her own, is merely a product of a necessary devolution of the White race. She says that what the frizzy-haired Fugees faker did was, “her way of dealing with the pain of the reality of racism”.
She goes on to add that Dolezal typifies White people “taking more responsibility for racism and privilege”.
Ali knew where Rachel was at, as she tells us how when in her 20s she herself “learned about the history of racism” and that “made me hate myself, my Whiteness, my ancestors… and my descendants… I remember deciding that I couldn’t have biological children because I didn’t want to propagate my privilege biologically.”
In what is sure to become a textbook example of an illness that as yet has no name, she decries “the Whiteness of other White people more”. It was then that Ali realized she had to become more African to truly understand her Whiteness. In pursuit of that goal she spent her junior year living with a black family in South Africa. She wore her hair in wraps, and shaved her head. One might wonder how it’s possible to wear their hair in wraps once they’ve shaved their head, but we’ve already established that Ali is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. What was most important was that she was winning, and she was becoming the “special, different White person”, who was nothing like a White person.
Now, let’s see how these jokers cut the mustard when the day comes for a black person to claim they’re really White. Let’s see which way the dreidel spins when that White person who’s trapped in a black body starts lamenting their White privilege, and asks to be treated like a black. It’d make a great JewTube vid.