Hungary’s New Ambassador to Italy Thinks Jews are ‘Agents of Satan’ Who ‘Enslave Mankind’

Daily Slave
July 25, 2014

The political world needs more forward thinking individuals like Hungary’s Péter Szentmihályi Szabó.

Apparently Hungary’s new ambassador to Italy named Péter Szentmihályi Szabó believes that Jews are agents of Satan who enslave mankind.  This is the type of forward thinking that we need more of in today’s world of politics.  Even though I have no idea if Jews are working for some entity named Satan or not, they are certainly evil and they are definitely doing everything they can to completely enslave anyone who is not a Jew.

The below article condemns the ambassador, but based upon one of his earlier writings that they quote, it is hard to argue with anything he said about the Jews.

From Vox:

Normally, not many people would pay attention to the Hungarian Ambassador to Italy — even within Hungary or Italy. But when the new ambassador is the kind of guy who has written that Jews are “the agents of Satan,” it’s probably time to start taking note. Especially in a week marked by an upswing in European anti-Semitism.

Sunday night, the Hungarian media learned that Péter Szentmihályi Szabó, a former poet and right-wing political commentator, was going to be the next ambassador to Rome. Eva S. Balogh, a Hungarian and former Yale lecturer in Eastern European history, was appalled. “One thing is sure,” Balogh wrote: “Szentmihályi Szabó is an inveterate anti-Semite.”

 To prove her point, Balogh translated an essay of Szabó’s from 2000. It’s about Jews, and it’s pretty appalling stuff:

I don’t know, I don’t understand why they hate us so much. They live here in Hungary, they speak and write in Hungarian, but they loathe us. I really don’t understand why they stay if it is that bad here, in this welcoming country that is so foolishly patient. It is not difficult to recognize them because they are cowardly and impertinent at the same time. Money is their God, their mother tongue in which they have trusted from time immemorial. Dark circles under their eyes, flabby skin, clammy palms, cold feet, freakish smiles give them away.

They can be found everywhere on the earth. They are the agents of Satan. They arouse fear and they live off of fear. They create turmoil and discord. They are constantly packing, yet they don’t leave. Are they foreign spirits whose mission is to destroy the local communities? International criminals who, following Marx and Lenin, decided to enslave mankind? Eternally homeless folk condemned to be constant wanderers?

They are the debt collectors. The ones who first figured out that money “works” without labor although there are no goods behind the merchandise, only a piece of metal, a piece of paper, or by now only a digital symbol on the computer. Everybody is afraid of them, yet they dread those who fear them. The world’s strongest army guards their security, and yet they still don’t dare to get close to those whose rights they defend so loudly.