Ice Moslems: Muhammed Didn’t Plan for Sweden

Daily Stormer
June 13, 2015

This authentic photograph of Muhammed eating ice cream proves that he knew cold existed.
This authentic photograph of Muhammed eating ice cream proves that he knew cold existed.

It seems that the great prophet Muhammed didn’t plan for an invasion of the Arctic Circle.

Daily Mail:

Muslims in the Arctic Circle are urgently coming up with new rules for Ramadan when they are banned from eating during the day—as the region will have 24-hour sunshine.

A Swedish Muslim association says new guidelines are being drawn up for the fasting month, which begins on June 18 this year, as members of the religion are not supposed to eat until sunset.

Just three days later is the longest day of the year—when the sun blazes around the clock above the Arctic Circle and only sets for a few hours further south.

If there is no God but God and Muhammed is His prophet, why didn’t he envision mass migration to the Arctic Circle?

Maybe Muhammad was a more reasonable person, and wanted his cult to stay in the desert where it belongs?