Daily Stormer
December 8, 2013

The phenomenon of random black-on-white violence has become so widespread that the mainstream media has finally been forced to report on it. The so-called “knock-out” game has gained coverage on several major networks and in major newspapers. Faced with this sudden increase in the reporting of black violence, some liberals are attempting to deny that the knock-out game even exists. A website called Death and Taxes recently posted an article claiming that the knock-out game is just a “racist panic” and that there is no newsworthy trend of black violence.
If knock-out game really is just a racist delusion, there are some people who need to be told about this. People like race-hustler Al Sharpton, who recently released a video calling for an end to the knock-out game:
I bet Al will feel pretty silly when the black community informs him that he’s been fooled by the evil conservative racist delusion that blacks are dangerous.