If Yang Wants to Keep the Memes Flowing, He’s Going to Have to Do Memeable Things

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 7, 2019

The Yang memes have obviously slowed down quite a bit.

This is because after the initial hilarity of “lol this Chinese guy is going to give you $1000” he hasn’t give us anything to work with.

I actually genuinely like all of Yang’s positions that aren’t Democrat boilerplate. I’m into a lot more than the $1000.

I’ve said for ten years that the technological society is the main issue that needs addressed, and I’ve even pointed out that the Jewish issue is a result of failing to address the technological changes of the industrial revolution (which is actually what Hitler was trying to address if you go back and look at it).

But most people are probably not on the level of thinking deeply about the effects of technology on humanity and the degree to which this has changed us and will change us in the very near future. Most people are thinking about things that are more obvious.

So he really just needs those maymays to fuel him and keep him relevant.

And to do that, he’s going to have to lean-in to a give and giveback situation of meme revolutionism.

The circumcision thing was very good.

And this Ben Shapiro show was just released a couple hours ago. (For some reason Shapiro records shows and then doesn’t release them for a week.)

I haven’t watched that yet. If he mocks Ben Shapiro in some hilarious way, that will get memed. But I kinda doubt he does that.

Because he’s not in the mindset of total meme war just yet.

Maybe he won’t get in that mindset, in which case there is really nothing we can do. He has to give the fuel to the machine or the machine cannot run.

Speaking of BASED Democrats

Remember to donate $1 to Tulsi to get her in the debates.

Based on her latest donations update on Twitter yesterday, we’re only a couple thousand off.

If you haven’t done it yet, do it now and we’ll be done.

There are a lot more than 1,566 people reading this, but don’t assume others are doing it. Just do it. It’s only $1.

It will be really fun when the media says “she almost didn’t make the debates before she got a push by the white supremacist neo-nazi genocidal maniacs of the Daily Stormer.”