“I’m Going to Beat You Until You are Heterosexual,” Says Man to Faggot in Barcelona’s Pride Celebration

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2019

The man is angry that the faggot is dressed like a faggot in public and says that the act of dressing like that is disrespectful, especially considering there are children around.

He also tells him that he’s going to beat him so hard that his faggotry will disappear, right there beside the security guard, because he doesn’t give a fuck.

Daily Mail:

A thug offended by a gay man’s clothing threatened to ‘beat him straight’ during Pride celebrations in Barcelona.

The confrontation was filmed in a McDonald’s in the city and the thug claimed that the man was dressed inappropriately as there were children in the restaurant.

His target was dressed in a yellow top and tight denim shorts and was filmed telling the McDonald’s security guard that he does not ‘need to tolerate a guy telling me how to dress’.

The footage was posted on Twitter and it has been watched more than 4.2 million times since.

The thug, dressed in black, said: ‘I am telling you to be discreet, you are in a public place.

‘I don’t care if you are a queer.’

When the other man pointed out that it was ‘Gay Pride Day’, the aggressor replied: ‘I don’t care what day it is, it is also a good day to punch you. Do you want to see?

Every day is a good day to punch a faggot. Unfortunately, punching people for being faggots is illegal, because if it weren’t, most people would do it and faggots would not rot our society from the inside out — which is what the Jew needs as a cover to operate from the shadows.

We’re here dealing with trans this and trans that discussing whether or not we should prevent people from entering our land against our will while the Jews advance their agenda.

This degeneracy thing has always been a distraction.

It’s a fog concealing Jews.

According to local media, the police arrived at the restaurant shortly afterwards but the victim refused to press charges against the other man.

The McDonald’s restaurant condemned the aggression and added that the security staff called the police.


Beating faggots is not the ideal solution though, as doing that may expose one to all kinds of nasty diseases homos carry in their blood.

Even beating women nowadays is a risk unless they’re very young, but even then, you’re not completely safe from all of the herpes and chlamydia and HPV and stuff because they’re all sluts.

When dealing with women, it’s better to opt for a well-placed Falcon Punch.

Works every time.

Throwing faggots off of rooftops is better than a beating but still not ideal, as the splash can be quite a nasty thing. I mean, unless you have a specific place to throw faggots where no one gets close to the blood splatter — in that case, it could work.

The most elegant solution to the faggot problem is also the most elegant solution to the Jew problem.

Gas chambers.

Real gas chambers this time.