IMDb Follows Rotten Tomatoes in Banning Negative Reviews of Woke Films After People Dislike Disney’s “Sambo Fish”

There is a Nazi conspiracy against the new Disney film “Sambo Fish.”

There’s only one thing you can do when people disagree with the actions of Disney, and that is shut it all down.

The Guardian:

The biggest film website in the world has said that the new, live action remake of The Little Mermaid has been the subject of “review bombing”, with mass negative reactions posted by bots to bring down the average review score.

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) said on Wednesday that the “unusual voting activity” it had detected on the reviews page for the film had led it to make changes to its rating system to mitigate unfair trolling.


No one forced them to do this.

Since its release last week, The Little Mermaid has attracted about 43,000 user ratings on the site, with an average rating of seven out of 10. This broadly aligns with general tone of reviews on the site, which tend to skew slightly more positive than those on sites such as Metacritic, which aggregate professional critics’ verdicts.

Yet on IMDb, The Little Mermaid has also been awarded 39% 1-star ratings – the lowest possible score, and more negative than most professional reviewers, who were largely lukewarm towards the Disney film.

IMDb wrote that the site’s “rating mechanism has detected unusual voting activity on this title. To preserve the reliability of our rating system, an alternate weighting calculation has been applied.” A similar message has previously been employed when a large number of atypical scores were observed.

“Trolling” doesn’t even make sense in this context.

People don’t like the movie. It’s not “trolling” to not like the movie. Even if you don’t like it because you’re a racist, you still legitimately are giving your opinion that you don’t like the movie.

Furthermore, I watch these “anti-woke” streamers that cover all this cultural stuff, and most of them are literally not even racists.

I watch Nerdrotic, for example, who is now probably the biggest right-wing cultural critic in the tubes, and he is definitely not a racist. He is white and he is against replacing white characters with black people, but he’s also not out there talking about like, white identity or anything of the sort.

Frankly, actual racists probably don’t care enough about a Disney children’s film to go review it. They are more concerned about stopping the Jews.

(Here’s Nerdrotic’s Rumble channel – he’s actually mostly doing long streams now, and I don’t really watch super-long streams, I used to watch his 15 minute YouTube videos. But of course, there’s more money in streaming, so this is driving a bad trend in internet video content, even though Rumble has effectively lightened up the censorship environment.)

Furthermore, I can’t imagine this film is actually good, regardless of the race issue.

“Professional reviewers,” i.e., reviewers working for the Jew media, will never give a really bad review to something that is of some supposed historic cultural relevance, which is what they view these race replacement films as.

And yet, even considering that, the weighted review of professional critics on Metacritic is 59/100.

Metacritic is also keeping it real with user reviews.

One would have to assume that if they weren’t scared of totally berating a “woke” film, the critic score would be closer to the audience score of 2/10.

This is the top user review on Metacritic, which does not mention the fact that the Little Mermaid is now Sambo Fish:

Disney vandalizes another beloved property. If you have this little respect for the source material why remake it? Why not make a new movie. The movie is dark, the CGI is beyond bad and has passed into creepy. It’s hard to explain how poorly the animated world translates to life action. The changes to the score are cringe and the changes to the plot made for the mythical “modern audience” weakens the film as does the run time padding. This is a shallow copy of the original that has no reason to exist. You’d do much better saving your money and rewatching the Original.

It’s funny that Metacritic is still allowing all those negative reviews.

As you may recall, Rotten Tomatoes totally banned all negative reviews of woke films back when people hated Disney’s Captain Marvel film.

So this is what they came up with for Sambo Fish:

(There’s a pretty big difference between 21% and 95%, no? I mean, that is a really big difference.)

They literally ban negative reviews, in the way IMDb is now banning them, and then celebrate it.

There is some woman named “Carley Levy” – Jewish, by the way – who’s getting syndicated celebrating it.

Metacritic is currently giving the lie to this hoax, but eventually, they will be forced to ban negative reviews of woke films, and everyone will just believe they’re the best movies ever.