India: Beach Worker Convicted of Drugging, Raping and Murdering British Teenager

Scarlett Keeling and Samson D’Souza.

I fully blame the parents for what happened.

There is literally no reason to ever allow your 15-year-old daughter to travel to a brown Third World shithole.

Sky News:

A beach shack worker has been convicted for the 2008 rape and murder of British teenager Scarlett Keeling in Goa, India.

Samson D’Souza was found guilty of “culpable homicide not amounting to murder” by Bombay’s High Court on Wednesday.

A second man, who was accused of leaving the schoolgirl to die after drugging and sexually abusing her, Placido Carvalho, was acquitted.

Both men were previously acquitted of her rape and murder 2016, but the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) appealed against the verdict.

Fifteen-year-old Scarlett’s bruised and half-naked body was found on the popular Anjuna beach in the north of Goa on 18 February, 11 years ago.

She had been at a Valentine’s Day beach party and a post-mortem showed there was ecstasy, cocaine and LSD in her system.

A second post-mortem took place which proved the girl had been drugged and raped.

D’Souza and Carvalho, who both worked at the Curlies’ beach shack, were charged with culpable homicide, sexual assault and drugging the teenager.

They were last seen with Scarlett before her death and allegedly plied her with drugs, raped her and left her unconscious on the beach where she subsequently drowned.

Scarlett, from Bideford in Devon, suffered 50 separate injuries in the attack.