Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 17, 2020

The BBC’s headline is that women are just being forced to show their vaginas against their will for no reason.
But you will find that the true story is much less sympathetic.
Also: who died and made you Jesus, BBC? Where do you get the right to tell anyone how to live?
India’s uncomfortable relationship with periods is back in the headlines.
College students living in a hostel in the western Indian state of Gujarat have complained that they were made to strip and show their underwear to female teachers to prove that they were not menstruating.
The 68 young women were pulled out of classrooms and taken to the toilet, where they were asked to individually remove their knickers for inspection.
The incident took place in the city of Bhuj on Tuesday. The young women are undergraduate students at Shree Sahajanand Girls Institute (SSGI), which is run by Swaminarayan sect, a wealthy and conservative Hindu religious group.
They said a hostel official had complained to the college principal on Monday that some of the students were breaking rules menstruating women are supposed to follow.
According to these rules, women are barred from entering the temple and the kitchen and are not allowed to touch other students during their periods.
At meal times, they have to sit away from others, they have to clean their own dishes, and in the classroom, they are expected to sit on the last bench.
One of the students told BBC Gujarati’s Prashant Gupta that the hostel maintains a register where they are expected to enter their names when they get their periods, which helps the authorities to identify them.
But for the past two months, not one student had entered her name in the register – perhaps not surprising considering the restrictions they have to put up with if they do.
So on Monday, the hostel official complained to the principal that menstruating students were entering the kitchen, going near the temple, and mingling with other hostellers.
The students allege that, the next day, they were abused by the hostel official and the principal before they were forced to strip.
They described what happened to them as a “very painful experience” that had left them “traumatised” and amounted to “mental torture”.
Some of the students told BBC Gujarati that they are now under pressure from the school authorities to play down the incident and not to speak of their ordeal.
See: no one had entered their name in the book in two months. And unless they are anorexic or on a Western-style drug cocktail that is not available in India, every single one of them had had their period in the last two months.
So every single one of them was in violation of the rules.
But the BBC thinks they have a right to meddle in Indian cultural affairs and demand all of these changes. They are claiming that they have anonymous sources who say the school is engaging in a conspiracy – is that even true? No one will ever know.
The rules are quite reasonable, by any historical standard. Historically, no society would give menstruating women the same rights as non-menstruating women, and most societies required them to stay isolated completely, as in, inside of their homes.
Women who are menstruating are a known threat to society, and letting them loose is dumb and insane.
What is also dumb and insane is the Western obsession with forcing all of these primitive societies to go along with their kooky Jewish agenda. Okay, Britain. You’ve adopted feminism. We all get it.

But no one in India is trying to bully you into going back to a sane system of running your country, so why are you meddling in India and trying to force them to adopt your ridiculous modern conception of the nature of the human being?
Who gave you this right?
When Christian missionaries went around the world to try to save the savages, they at least had the excuse that God was on their side.
Who is on the side of missionaries of the new order of gay feminist revolution?
Firstly, science is not a higher authority, and secondly, science is not a period denialist.
Science also does not agree that “anal sex is healthy and natural,” or with really any of your other positions.
So from whence does the authority to force yourself on others emerge?
From Satan?
How is it that we are told that colonialism in India was evil, but we are also told that it is perfectly fine for the BBC to attempt to force widescale social changes on India?
No British colonialist tried to force widespread social changes on India. All they did was build buildings and roads and set up shipping lines. They provided education that taught children things about the British way of doing things, but they didn’t force anyone to be involved in the education against their will.

How is anyone on earth capable of reconciling the idea that British India was bad but BBC-Regulated Indian Menstruation Regimes are good?
No one can believe that. This is all just an absurd hoax.