Infertile Korea Fires “Warning Shots” After Best Korea’s Soldiers Accused of Crossing Border

Previously: Best Korea’s Best Sister Tells Infertile Korea to Stop Psychological Warfare or Face Consequences

I don’t think the North Koreans crossed the border.

They’re not stupid and they’re trying to avoid war.

The Guardian:

South Korea’s military has said it fired warning shots after North Korean soldiers briefly crossed the border this week, amid rising tensions after Pyongyang sent rubbish-carrying balloons into the South and Seoul retaliated with a loudspeaker propaganda campaign.

“Some North Korean soldiers working within the DMZ on the central front briefly crossed the Military Demarcation Line,” the Joint Chiefs of Staff [JCS] said in a statement on Tuesday, referring to the line of control in the heavily fortified border between the two Koreas.

“After our military issued warning broadcasts and warning shots, they retreated northward,” it said, adding the incident happened 9 June.

“Apart from the immediate retreat of the North Korean soldiers following our warning shots, there were no unusual movements observed”, the JCS said, adding the military was closely monitoring troops near the border.

South Korea’s military has assessed that the North Korean soldiers didn’t appear to have intentionally crossed the border because the site is a wooded area and MDL signs there weren’t clearly visible, JCS spokesperson Lee Sung Joon told reporters.

The mine-strewn DMZ is the world’s most heavily armed border, with hundreds of thousands of troops facing each other – a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean war, which ended with an armistice but not a peace treaty.

Tensions between the two Koreas – which remain technically at war – are at one of their highest points in years.

It’s possible there was an accident, but I doubt it.

Probably, this is a hoax.

Thinking about Ukraine, Gaza, Iran, South China Sea, it’s easy to forget that the US is also still trying to start a war in Korea.

South Korea should stop thinking so much about starting wars for America and start thinking about how to compel their females into producing children.

It’s not going to be long before the North Koreans can just start settling in the South, because there won’t be anyone but elderly people living there.