Insolent Porch Monkeys Attempt to Thwart Obergruppenführer Sessions

The Daily Stormer
January 5, 2017

Do they look uppity to you? They look uppity to me.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that criminal Negroes and their leaders, as well as the Jews who simultaneously whip them into mouth-foaming, bitch-burning frenzies on a regular basis are going the extra mile to make sure America’s Senator Jeff Sessions is not confirmed as the Trump administration’s attorney general.

After all, in the wake of many months of BLM terror that have included burning cities, murdered cops, and now a kidnapped and tortured White male, why in the world would you tolerate the idea of a prosecutor who will actually get in there and enforce the law?

It’s just rayciss to even consider it!

Daily Mail:

The national president of the NAACP and five others were arrested after staging a sit-in Tuesday at the Alabama office of Sen. Jeff Sessions, the nominee for U.S. attorney general, the civil rights group said.

The organization held the demonstration to protest Sessions’ nomination by President-elect Donald Trump, criticizing Sessions’ record and views on civil rights, immigration, criminal justice reform, and voting rights enforcement.

‘We have an attorney general nominee who does not acknowledge the reality of voter suppression while mouthing faith in the myth of voter fraud,’ NAACP President Cornell William Brooks said by phone earlier in Tuesday’s protest. 

These dindus live in a world we can never comprehend. Despite the fact that there are innumerable Jewish and leftist organizations that spend millions each election to go around holding black hands, walking them through the simple process of voter registration, filling out their absentee ballots for them, and busing the rest to the polling places (often several polling places), these moronic blacks actually believe their vote is being suppressed somehow.

Even more galling is hearing the president of the NAACP claim with a straight face that voter fraud is “a myth.” Voter fraud is demonstrably true, and the people who rail against voter ID laws know this, and even admit it when they think they’re off the record.

So these professional agitators go and agitate, and they get arrested. And there’s no real reason given except something along the lines of “Jeff Sessions beez a rayciss-ass crackah and he be gonna put a nigga in jail when he rape, rob, or kill a muhfuggah!”

zero fucks given

Of course, this is bad optics of the first order, so who better to step in and try to clean it up than some Jew? This was so bad in fact, that they had to call in a Cohen, and as we all know, Cohens are some of the most virulent Jew propagandists out there. It seems to be a genetic thing.

Just listen to this Jew. He’s giving a laundry list of every anti-White group and putting them all under this umbrella of “negro-protectors” and “voting-rights activists.” Greens, labor, NAACP, etc., not to mention that over 1000 (((law professors))) have signed a letter admonishing the United States Senate not to confirm him.

It’s no wonder the Jews love “democracy” so much…

And the entire argument basically boils down to “One time someone alleged that Jeff Sessions might have said “nigger.” Then another time someone alleged that he might have said that any White civil rights lawyer was a traitor to his race (which is true, btw). Then the Senate didn’t confirm him as a judge once because allegedly someone said that he allegedly said these things. “

So, according to all anti-Whites, Sessions is wholly unqualified. He’s just not tolerant. They just won’t tolerate big White meanies enforcing the law against their keeds an’ sheeit.

Doesn’t this bigot understand the impact of four hundred years of slavery in which billions of blacks were whipped to death? I can’t even…

Oh, and there’s this.

Brooks criticized Sessions’ prosecution of African-American voting rights activists on voter fraud charges when he was a U.S. attorney in Alabama. 

Right. because, as we all know, voter fraud is an absolute civil right, if you’re a few shades darker than White.

Keep it up, blacks. Keep poking that sleeping giant. And please, please, continue to livestream all your monkeyshines. You’re doing our work for us.