Ireland: Government Gives Invaders Tents After Running Out of Places to House Them

Dublin needs a couple of favelas around it, or else it won’t survive

What now, Irishman?

This is what democracy has wrought.

You’re not poor anymore. But the cost of the climb out of poverty is immeasurable.

Was it worth it?

The Guardian:

Ireland has run out of accommodation for asylum seekers and is offering tents, sleeping bags and extra money to new arrivals who face sleeping on the streets.

The International Protection Accommodation Service, a government agency, was unable to offer proper shelter to dozens of people this week amid a severe housing shortage.

The government expressed deep concern as at least 32 asylum seekers – all men – faced the prospect of sleeping rough in cold, wet, windy conditions. Dozens more are expected to arrive this week.

Roderic O’Gorman, Ireland’s minister for integration, said authorities were working with homeless organisations to offer basic services. In addition to tents and sleeping bags, newly arrived asylum seekers that are not accommodated will receive a weekly payment of €113.50 (£97.15), a €75 increase on the usual €38.50 offered.

O’Gorman said his department hoped to source additional accommodation in coming weeks. “We have line of sight to some additional accommodation – some coming online before Christmas and some coming online after Christmas and we will look to add more and consistently look to add more,” he said, adding that asylum seekers who were left on the streets may sue the state.

Roderic O’Gorman is Ireland’s Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. He’s also a literal faggot.

Ireland is accommodating more than 100,000 refugees, about three-quarters from Ukraine. The influx has coincided with an acute housing crisis that has driven up rents and homelessness and fuelled anti-immigrant sentiment. A riot last month wrecked parts of central Dublin.

Micheál Martin, the tánaiste, or deputy prime minister, said the government was “very concerned” about refugees sleeping rough and said the state would do all it could to meet its legal and international obligations.

What about the obligations to the Irish people?

How is anyone in Ireland tolerating this?

Why is every single man not in the street demanding Conor McGregor be installed as Absolute Monarch?

Anyway – they’re saying more riots are coming.

I… disavow, and so on.

Just like I disavow Conor McGregor marching on Dublin and declaring himself King and forcing the democracy occupation government to flee in helicopters.