Is Jeffrey Epstein Smothering Rats in His Sleep in His Dirty Prison Cell?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 29, 2019

I think this probably isn’t actually true.

Prisons are really politically correct these days.

This is just Daily Mail tabloid bullshit.

It’s kinda funny though. And the Daily Stormer audience craves Epstein news.

Daily Mail:

Jeffrey Epstein’s prison block is so grim that inmates wake up with rats in their blankets having accidentally smothered them in their sleep.

The billionaire – who is used to living the high life on his private Caribbean island and million dollar mansion in New York and Florida -has to put up with black mold in the shower and standing water in his cell from leaks.

Rather than flying all over the world on his private jet, Epstein is locked in an 8ft by 8ft cell for 23 hours a day with no direct sunlight at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York.

Epstein has given up his polo shirts and designer clothes for the prison-issue navy blue t-shirt and pants.

And instead of fine wines and private chefs cooking his meals, Epstein now has to eat food from the prison kitchen which is ‘barely edible’ said a lawyer with a client in the same unit.

Lawyer Bruce Barket told that the MCC was ‘the worst prison I have ever seen’ and that he had been complaining about it on behalf of Nicholas Tartaglione, who is accused of four murders.

Barket said that Tartaglione and Epstein, who is normally seen with young models on his arm, have become ‘good friends’ since he arrived there and are consoling each other through their incarceration.

Epstein reportedly tried to kill himself on Tuesday days after being denied bail by a federal judge.

The convicted pedophile was found with neck injuries lying semi-conscious on the floor in the fetal position and was rushed to hospital.

NBC New York reported that Epstein, who is accused of abusing dozens of underage girls, may have tried to hang himself.

But the TV station also said that his injuries were not serious and that Epstein may have been trying to get transferred out of the MCC into a more comfortable cell.

Prison officials are investigating if he could have been assaulted by another inmate and Barket denied that it was anything to do with Tartaglione.

The MCC has been likened to a mini Guantanamo Bay because of its strict conditions and previous inmates have include Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman, the Mexican drug lord.

It is a far cry from Epstein’s usual life of luxury such as his $77million mansion in New York, his massive ranch in New Mexico, a $12million estate in Florida and Little St James, his private island in the Caribbean.

Tartaglione is a former police officer who was accused of killing four men in a drug deal conspiracy before allegedly burying their bodies in his yard.

Barket said that Tartaglione and Epstein are in the same Special Housing Unit which is home to 99 inmates who are there because they are a security risk or have violated disciplinary rules.

That’s the toilet/drinking fountain that AOC is always on about.

Barket said that the MCC was an ‘inherently bad place’ because the lights are on all the time and the frosted glass means no direct sun gets in.

The only time inmates can spend outside is the rare occasions they are allowed on the exercise yard on the roof – but that has a cage on the top.

Barket said that the MCC was a ‘disaster from top to bottom’.

He said: ‘At times prisoners are kept for days in their cells because the guards are too lazy to let them out.

‘The place is infested with insects and rodents and there is black mold in the shower. Most of the cells have leaks so there is standing water in many of them.

‘The guards refuse to wash the bed linen so inmates have the same sheets for far too long. The food is barely edible and the vents are covered in dust.

‘The medical care is virtually nonexistent. It’s a small thing but even the clocks in the attorney visiting room don’t have batteries because they don’t replace them’

Barket said that the prison was a ‘violent place’ and that Tartaglione had recently been assaulted by another inmate who put his locker lock inside a sock and hit his head with it’.

The rodent infestation extends to the prison commissary where inmates can buy food and snacks – and the cells themselves.

Barket said: ‘A week ago Nick woke up and realized he’d accidentally smothered a rat in his sleep. It’s disgusting’.

Yeah. I mean. I don’t think you can accidentally smother a rat in your sleep.

Rats are really fast, and they are nervous creatures. They see you turning over and they’re gone. I mean, imagine a cat being smothered in your sleep. That doesn’t happen, does it? And cats will sleep right up next to you.

I love cats, personally. It really feels cozy to have one sleeping next to you. But sometimes they wake you up for no reason, because they are a troll animal.

A rat would have no reason to be up close to you anyway, unless you had food on you.

Furthermore, how are the rats even going to get into a prison cell? These buildings are not made of wood. Do they just walk up the concrete stairs? Why would they do that?

This is not a real story.