Italian Student Gets Coronavirus Vaccine Certificate QR Code Tattooed on Arm

Andrea Colonnetta, 22.

It’s the only way to be sure.

Actually, you can’t be sure like this, and he needs a computer chip implanted in his brain to control his thoughts to ensure he keeps getting new vaccines every month.


A 22-year-old student in Italy has become an unexpected Internet sensation after tattooing the barcode of his Covid certificate on his arm.

Andrea Colonnetta said he hadn’t given much thought in advance before getting his latest tattoo, but decided on the topical — and practical — choice after talking with tattoo artist Gabriele Pellerone.

“It’s certainly something original, I like to be different,” Colonnetta, from the southern city of Reggio Calabria, told Corriere della Calabria newspaper.

The underside of Colonnetta’s left arm now bears a matrix of black squares from the QR code of his official Italian green pass.

The pass gives proof of coronavirus status — that you are vaccinated, have recovered from the virus or tested negative in the last 48 hours.

An extension of the EU’s digital Covid certificate, it has been required in Italy since August 6 to get into cinemas, museums and indoor sports venues or to eat indoors at restaurants.

It’s not even clear if this is an ironic statement.