Italy: Climate Cultists Glue Hands to Botticelli Painting to Change the Weather

What is this new trend with the Greta cultists attacking art museums?

Who are these people?

I guess they’re people with “enthusiastic personality disorder” that would have been sent to Mexico as missionaries to the savages in a previous generation.

It’s one thing to put a Ukraine flag in your bio, but imagine getting so hyped up over a hoax that you go get arrested at an art museum for harassing people who are just trying to remember that there is still some beauty in the universe?

No beauty allowed.

No fun.

The Guardian:

Environmental protesters have glued themselves to the glass protecting Sandro Botticelli’s Primavera which is on display at an art gallery in Florence.

The activists, from the climate activist group Ultima Generazione (Last Generation), said the protest was the first in “a new season of actions” targeting museums. It appeared inspired by Just Stop Oil activists in the UK who recently conducted a similar campaign of protests in art galleries.

Two protesters stuck their palms to the exhibit at the Uffizi gallery beforehand, with the help of a third, unfurling a banner reading “Ultima Generazione No Gas No Carbone (Last Generation, No Gas, No Coal).”

A man and two women, who had paid for tickets to get into the gallery, were taken away by police, according to the Italian news agency Ansa.

No damage was caused to the painting, Ansa cited the museum as saying. Botticelli’s 650-year-old Primavera (meaning Spring) is one of the world’s most famous paintings. The Uffizi gallery’s website describes the painting as “a celebration of love, peace, and prosperity”.

“Is it possible to see a spring as beautiful as this today?” Ultima Generazione said in a statement.

“Fires, food crises and drought make it increasingly difficult. We decided to use art to sound an alarm call: we are heading towards social and eco-climate collapse”.

The group said they had consulted with art restoration experts to find a way to glue themselves to the painting without damaging it. “In the same way that we defend our artistic heritage, we should be dedicated to the care and protection of the planet that we share with the rest of the world,” a statement on the group’s website said.

Ultima Generazione has been taking action in Italy since December, with an initial set of actions blocking roads around Rome, Italy’s capital.

These people really are a cult.

They want to destroy classic art and harass the middle class to save the earth from an invisible threat.

They are being directly ordered to do this by the elite and multinational corporations. Like it’s a public thing, that all of this weather hoax material originated from these elite think tanks, and is now being pushed by the richest and most powerful people on earth, who do nothing but shill fake charts at you.

This is the president of the Climate Emergency Fund

Everything has to be an endless nightmare of the politics of hoaxery.

I will say “Ultima Generazione (Last Generation)” is a cool name. It sounds like a neat cyberpunk gang from a William Gibson story. But when you find out they think they’re the last generation because human-released carbon dioxide is such a significant contributor to a total greenhouse effect that it’s going to lead to everyone’s ass getting really sweaty all the time, and therefore there won’t be any more generations… well, it doesn’t sound so cool anymore.

Ultima Generazione?

How about Ultima Thule?

How about Thusla Doom?

How about: I’m Thulsa Doom, leading the Thulian War against the Jews, and Ultima Generazione are my army?

07s in chat for Botticelli.

Big shout out.

I appreciate it

Seriously love the guy, but he is one of these people who it’s like: what emotion are you trying to have Baby Jesus communicate with his facial expression there, bud?

The angels are also making strange faces.

It’s not any kind of realism. I’ve never seen a baby make a face like this. He looks bored.

I guess that’s good. I think boredom is a real emotion Christ felt, probably frequently.

Primavera is of course a pagan painting. I guess you’d say a classical painting depicting pagan characters.

Venus is of course portrayed as Mary, as was the custom.

The Graces, however, are more how I would portray angels appearing to comfort the Madonna.

Angels are non-sexual, and always described as beautiful, but I would imagine the ones who appear to comfort being more feminine and the ones who appear to help you in wars or protect you from the gays being more masculine.

Of course, it’s easy to be a critic of 500-year-old paintings.

Just imagine if you will: people used to create art.