Italy: Government Gives Thousands of Illegal Invaders Temporary Amnesty

I miss the good ol’ days…

Some people would think letting any immigrants at all – let alone illegal ones – work in your country when millions of your own people just lost their jobs is a bad thing.

Those people are called fascists.

Al Jazeera:

Thousands of undocumented migrants will now be allowed to apply to temporarily stay and work in Italy under an amnesty announced as the country unveiled a $59.6bn stimulus package to cushion the economic impact of the coronavirus.

After weeks of negotiations marked by political infighting and resignation threats, the parties in Italy’s coalition government finally reached an agreement on Wednesday to approve provisional changes to permits for farm workers and home carers.

Dino Martirano, a spokesman for Italy’s interior ministry, told Al Jazeera foreign labourers in the agricultural and domestic working sectors who have been without a valid residency permit since November will be able to apply.

According to the decree unveiled on Wednesday, the new residency permits will be valid for six months.

The changes also seek to legalise irregular work in farms and homes. Martinaro said employers who have irregularly hired either foreign or Italian workers in these sectors would also able to apply to regulate their staff by stipulating a fixed-term employment contract.


Why do you need more workers when your unemployment is going up and your economy is contracting?

How does that make any sense?

“We have reached an important result,” Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said in a news conference after a cabinet meeting.

“This is a battle of civilisation because at its centre lay people’s dignity, fight against criminal organisations, against caporalato (a system based on the recruitment and exploitation of workers), the immersion of black work and the protection of employers and workers’ health, including the one surrounding them.”


You’re defending civilization by making it easier for Moslems and blacks to move to your country?

No wonder this guy’s party is polling at less than half what it got in the last election.

The amnesty was pushed by agriculture associations across Italy looking for staffing to fill the gap left by at least 200,000 seasonal labourers, mostly from Eastern European countries, who are stuck in their countries due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions.

As a result, Italy is now at risk of losing 25 percent of its harvest, according to Italian leading Agriculture association Coldiretti.

“We got it,” Jean-Rene Bilongo, head of migration policy and inequalities at the CGIL-FLAI farmworkers’ trade union, said after the amnesty was unveiled.

“Thousands of migrants living at the margins of society will now become legal subjects – the invisibles become citizens,” he told Al Jazeera.

They don’t need more workers, they just want cheaper workers.

And the government shouldn’t be giving them any, that’s not your job, you’re supposed to run a country not a supermarket.

Yet, human rights groups decried the temporary nature of the amnesty.

“A time-limited amnesty is just a patch, an absurdity which gives priority to production over dignity,” said Cesare Fermi, director of migration programmes for INTERSOS, an NGO.

Calling the measure “a lost chance”, Fermi added: “How will the workers’ conditions change once the permit is over?”

Of course the (((NGOs))) weren’t happy.

They’re only happy when their Jew masters tell them to be.

In recent weeks, the issue of regularisation had threatened to tear apart the ruling coalition led by the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and the centre-left Democratic Party (PD).

The proposal was championed by Minister of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova, from PD, but it was opposed by the Five Star Movement which argued the move would only further legitimise labour exploitation instead of reducing it.

Teresa Bellanova is an old, fat woman who’s married to a Moroccan.

Apparently, she literally cried when this law passed:

Agriculture Minister Teresa Bellanova said Thursday she had “fought” for a regularisation of migrant farm workers to save them from exploitation by gangmasters and than had had the “strength” to cry after achieving the measure despite stiff opposition inside and outside government.

Bellanova, a former farm worker, has been ridiculed by the centre-right opposition for crying over what they described as an unacceptable amnesty for the migrant farm hands, as well as for home helps and carers.

“It’s true. I cried. I worked hard, I fought, and in the end I wept. I had the strength to weep – yes, the strength – because I fought a battle for something I believed in from the start, because I closed the circle on a life that is not just my own, but is also of so many women and men who like me worked in the fields,” she said.

She openly wept as she announced the migrant six-month regularisation at a press conference unveiling the government’s 55-billion-euro coronavirus ‘relaunch’ decree Wednesday night.

Yeah, I’m sure all those farm workers in Italy are happy you’re lowering their wages and their bargaining power by giving them more competition from foreigners who’ll work for less than they do.

I’m sure they’re all brimming with excitement.

How many of these NGOs are talking about what Israel is doing with regards to their own invaders?