The sad truth is that penis-havers very often use the fact that uterus-havers bleed from their biofronthole (a portmanteau of “biological” and “frontal bio-hole”) as a way to oppress them.
Uterus-havers have been oppressed by penis-havers since the beginning of time, and were only recently liberated by the Jews. More is always needed to further liberate them.
An artistic high school in the Romagna city of Ravenna has introduced an optional two days of leave for students who have certified menstrual pains.
Head teacher Gianluca Dradi said the “democratic” move was the first of its kind in Italy.
The two days off for students with period pains will not be counted towards the number of days they need to complete the school year, said Dradi, head of the Liceo Artistico ‘Nervi-Severini’.
I wonder how they have to “certify” their menstrual pains?
Do they have to hold up a blood-soaked cloth?
Maybe it would be easier if women simply did not attend school at all?
What exactly are they doing there, other than whining and bleeding all over the place?