Italy: Judge Throws Out One of Salvini’s Migrant “Kidnapping” Trials

The reporter is a descendant of a Holocaust “survivor”

Charging the leader of Italy with “kidnapping” migrants by refusing to let them get off a ship onto Italian soil is not one of the weirdest things we’ve seen recently. The weirdest things pretty much all relate to trannies and the virus hoax.

However, the kidnapping charges are one of the weirdest migrant-related things we’ve seen.


Matteo Salvini, the head of Italy’s right-wing League party, should not stand trial over allegations he kidnapped a group of migrants by refusing to let them disembark from a ship, a judge in the Sicilian city of Catania ruled on Friday.

The case centred on an incident in July 2019, when Salvini, then interior minister, blocked more than 100 people aboard the Gregoretti coastguard ship for six days as he waited for European allies to agree to resettle them.

The Catania case is similar to a separate investigation in the Sicilian capital of Palermo over migrants who were kept aboard another boat a month after the Gregoretti incident.

However, in a completely contrasting decision, a judge in Palermo last month ordered that Salvini should stand trial over the allegations. He could face up to 15 years in prison if found guilty. 

“If there was no kidnapping in Catania, then I do not see why there should be kidnapping in Palermo,” Salvini told reporters after Friday’s ruling.

Salvini and his allies are currently polling over 50% between them, and they’re very likely to win a majority in the next parliament.