Italy: Nigerian Attacks and Robs 80-Year-Old Italian Man Suffering from Parkinson’s Disease

Violently robbing an 80-year-old might sound like a strange way of paying his pension, but we need to factor in the cultural differences here.

Vox (Translation):

An immigrant kidnapped an elderly man with Parkinson’s disease and walking difficulties. The octogenarian was walking in the streets of Lecce, when he was hit by a 26 year old Nigerian, resident and regular on Italian territory.

When the agents intervened, they found the elderly man, an 80-year-old, who was trying to hit the African who had just stolen his leather wallet with a support stick.

Then he said he was taking a walk near his home using a walker and a stick. He had chosen a side street to avoid traffic. But suddenly he had been reached by the young man on a bicycle.

At first the immigrant would ask him for money. When the old man – already struggling with Parkinson’s – pulled out his wallet to give him some coins, the young man realized that there was a sum of 500 euros inside. And so the migrant tugged him, dragging him to the ground. Then, violently, he literally ripped his wallet from the back pocket of his pants, tearing it apart.

Aching and unable to react due to the violence he suffered, the robbed man remained on the ground for a few moments, fearing that the robber could go on further. Subsequently, since the stranger had left, he returned home. He then traveled a hundred meters from the site of the attack to warn his wife. With her, after calling the emergency service 113, he went out in the car to look for the robber. Indeed, turning in those neighborhoods, the old man recognized the young African and there the fight started until the Steering Wheel arrived thanks to which he got back the money.