Italy: Nigerian Beats Up 70-Year-Old Woman, Drags Her Away and Rapes Her

Blacks seem to be the only people who actively seek out elderly women to rape.

Vox (Translation):

The usual “black” immigrant raped a 70 year old woman in Mondragone, in the province of Caserta.

The woman, a 70 year old, was found on the Domiziana highway, in the area of ​​Castel Volturno, infested by Nigerians.

It was right there, near his home, that the old woman was brutally beaten, dragged away and raped: finally she was abandoned like an old rag between the barracks.

Transported to the San Rocco civil hospital of Sessa Aurunca, the medical staff confirmed the sexual violence suffered by the woman. The scratches, the bruises and the wounds present on his body testify that the aggressor, in front of the old woman’s resistance, brutally beat her to then be able to consume the rape.

The agents of the police station of Castel Volturno set off in search of the immigrant.