Italy: Screaming African Pulls Out Knife at Pizzeria, Holds Customers Hostage for 20 Minutes

This poor child is clearly suffering from PTSD after having fled from the brutal Syrian war.

And these Italians still treat him with contempt and disrespect?

How absolutely dare they!

Vox (Translation):

Yet another bad adventure for the owner of the I Magnifici pizzeria, a stone’s throw from Tiburtina station, which remained closed for 20 minutes yesterday in its restaurant, hostage to a drunken immigrant.

“Last night, around 10.30 pm, a stranger wrapped in a blanket came in and started screaming,” says Donato.

“I pushed him out and locked myself in to protect the customers and my pregnant wife,” recalls Donato.

“He started to spill the beer on the windows of the pizzeria – Donato continues – and then he pulled a kitchen knife from an envelope, I prayed that at that moment nobody would pass because I don’t know what could have happened”.

“Nobody had the courage to go out.”

“Every day something happens – he reports – and raising the shutter here has become increasingly risky”. In fact, in recent years, its business has been sacked on seven occasions.
“The situation is serious – he says – and I’m thinking of leaving”. “It is not the fault of the police – he reasons – but of politics, it is not possible that those who are arrested the next day will be on the loose again”. Solidarity with the operator came from the Tiburtina Station Residents Committee. “By now raising the shutter has become an act of heroism”, the Committee denounces. “This is yet another of the many episodes that took place in the area – they explain – and we have been saying the same things for years and complaining about the sterility, uselessness and abandonment of prefect, commissioner and delegate of the mayor for security who have not plus no control over the city. “