Jacob Wohl Finally Exposes Elizabeth Warren’s BDSM Male Prostitution Lifestyle

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2019

Elizabeth Warren is unbelievable, this bitch.

“Chief Moneybags” as they call her is not only a “rich communist,” she is also involved in very expensive prostitution with a male AFGHANISTAN WAR VET WHO WAS INJURED.

She paid him, uh, um, like $1000.

This was confirmed by the Jewish scam artist and financial criminal Jacob Wohl.

This is completely real.

And if you don’t believe it, you hate the vets who died for this country.

Even if it is just another GOP ratfuck fail, at least it’s funny.

Seriously, watch this press conference, it is hilarious.

Wohl’s criminal accomplice, Jack Burkman, screams at the hecklers that they hate the vets. And the hecklers are really good too.

This alleged vet and alleged male prostitute literally has a XXX tattoo on his back. From that movie with Vin Diesel.

The guy’s name is “Kelvin Whelly.” He goes into like a 15 minute rant of weird granny fetish fiction.

The event was called “Elizabeth Warren: Cougar.”

It’s the funniest thing this week, really.

Much funnier than the ratfuck “babyeater” scam from the AOC event. Which wasn’t even funny.