Japan and EU Push Back Against Great Satan’s Plan to Stop Selling Stuff to Russia

Even the closest allies of the US are getting bored at this point.

You have the total freaks, represented by the homosexual Jens Stoltenberg and the blethering vagina Ursula von der Leyen as the diehard core, but everyone else is starting to cringe a bit.


A US proposal for G7 nations to introduce a complete ban on exports to Russia has met with strong opposition from Japan and members of the EU, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday, citing unnamed officials.

According to the outlet, a draft statement prepared for a three-day G7 summit in Hiroshima in May includes a bold proposal to replace the current sector-by-sector penalties against Moscow with a full export ban, albeit with exemptions for areas such as agricultural and medical products.

The US is reportedly pushing the plan amid concerns that existing sanctions contain loopholes that allow Moscow to continue importing technology from the West.

However, lawmakers from Japan and EU member states reportedly suggested in a preparatory meeting last week that the measure would be impossible.

The US has refused to explain what the purpose of this war and the destruction of the global economy is, beyond anal sex.

I think that is a big part of the problem. Women and homosexuals are very interested in evangelizing homosexuality, but homosexuals are a very small group and women are not productive.