The dirty Japanese are happy to spread their porn and pedophile cartoons across the world – sold in every currency.
But tell them to pay for ras in rubles and they have a meltdown of confusion.
“Oh, me no rikey, me no rikey you,” said one Japanese man upon hearing of the situation.
Asian importers of Russian gas expressed confusion this week regarding Moscow’s demand to pay for deliveries in rubles. The new requirement concerns countries that have imposed sanctions against Russia over its military operation in Ukraine.
On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said “unfriendly countries” would continue to receive Russian natural gas in volumes and prices fixed in contracts, but are now to pay for the commodity in the country’s national currency. In Asia, these countries include Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, which import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia’s Sakhalin-2 and Yamal LNG projects.
Two of those are not actually even countries, to be clear.
Commenting on the development, Japanese Finance Minister Shun’ichi Suzuki said that Tokyo is confused about Russia’s demand.
“Frankly speaking, we do not yet fully understand the goals and how this will be carried out… the government is currently in discussions with the responsible ministries and agencies to assess the situation,” Suzuki stated.
“Me Japanese, me can no understand. Oh, me sell you cartoon, you sucky sucky, oh ho ho, you catch Pokemon, very nice.”
Shut it, nip.
Rubles on the barrelhead.
You know, the Chinese have an old saying: “very dirty Japanese, no good, no good, very dirty, no good.”