Jared Taylor: Race and Crime

Daily Stormer
February 1, 2014

Jared Taylor 2
Jared Taylor

Jared Taylor gives a Question and Answer Press Conference about the effect of race on violent crime, based on FBI statistics. The results are the opposite of what you would expect, if you believed the mainstream media. The overwhelming numbers of Black on White crime are shocking. For hate crime purposes, a Hispanic can only ever be a victim, if a Hispanic attacks a White, they are classed as White, artificially increasing the figures for crimes perpetrated by Whites. Blacks are twice as likely to commit Hate crimes than Whites and are more likely to commit ALL crimes than Whites, at the same rate that men are more likely to commit crimes than women. Ninety percent of all inter-racial crime is Black against White. Blacks are stopped and questioned more often than Whites because they commit more crimes than Whites. Racial profiling is a result of Non-White criminality, not ‘racism’.