Jew Borat Director Calls for Leftists to Start Arming for Race War Against Whites

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 24, 2019

Basically, everyone is preparing for a civil war.

But the problem is, whenever there is violence, the police side with leftists. They will not arrest them, courts will not prosecute them. They will arrest and prosecute right-wingers who fight back.

I don’t see why this dynamic would change if guns were used instead of fists and melee weapons.


Borat director Larry Charles took to Twitter Monday and compared Trump supporters — or as he described them, “Maga people” — to the violent, pro-China “triad” mob who attacked peaceful pro-democracy protesters Sunday night and essentially encouraged far-left agitators to arm themselves for “war.”

“After reading about armed #Triad thugs attacking pro-democracy protestors In #HongKong and the white supremacists/Proud Boys/Maga people embracing violence here I’m glad to see the left arming itself. This is war,” the longtime Curb Your Enthusiasm producer declared.

Charles, a prolific producer, writer, and director, linked to a Guardian article that detailed the desires of left-wing groups, like Antifa, to take up arms in order to protect events from “other malicious and potentially armed groups.”

The far-left has largely refused to condemn the violent actions of its extremist groups like Antifa. “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) failed to condemn the self-described Antifa member who attempted to firebomb a federal detention facility in Tacoma, Washington, earlier this month.

Breitbart won’t tell you his race.

Wikipedia will tho.