Jew Tool Rand Paul Endorses Jew Schumer’s Plot to Bring All Mexicans to the US

Daily Stormer
June 12, 2014

Rand Paul is affectionately known to his supporters such as Alex Jones as "Herp the Derp"
Rand Paul is affectionately known to his supporters such as Alex Jones as “Herp the Derp”

Rand Paul, a Jewish shill supported and endorsed by hardcore libertarians such as Alex “Muh Shekels” Jones, has come out and gone full Jew, throwing his support behind the ridiculously unpopular Chucky Schumer plan to make all Mexicans citizens of the US.

Washington Post:

Mr. Paul, a libertarian-leaning Republican from Kentucky and possible 2016 presidential hopeful, participated in a telephone conference call to conservative and business leaders in favor of immigration reform in an effort brokered by anti-tax activist Grover Norquist, The Washington Times has learned.

The business group, the Partnership for a New American Economy, immediately blasted an email Wednesday evening to supporters crowing that Mr. Paul had formally joined its pro-reform effort.

The timing of the call only heightened the potential stakes for Mr. Paul just one day after House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was shockingly ousted from office in the Virginia Republican primary in favor of a little-known college professor.

Tea party activists who whipped up a get-out-the-vote effort for Mr. Cantor’s opponent said they were motivated by the incumbent’s advocacy for immigration reform, actions on Obamacare and vote to raise the nation’s debt ceiling.

Mr. Cantor was the second high-profile Republican to suffer political damage by stepping forward on the immigration issue. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, another potential presidential contender, lost the support of his tea party base when he advocated a plan for immigration that some argued created a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

Mr. Paul, a longtime favorite of the tea party movement, has made it clear that he believes Congress needs the courage to enact immigration reform. But his latest effort pushed him further into the middle of a strident battle between establishment Republicans like Mr. Norquist who see immigration reform as essential to economic growth, and tea party activists who fear the current efforts in Congress will only lead to de facto amnesty for illegal immigrants.

This is how you know the whole political system is completely fake and staged by the Jews. Opinion polls show no one wants these people in our country at all, let alone more of them brought here, and Republicans are losing elections because of their support for this agenda. Yet more and more Republicans come out and support it, even ones who are supposed to be “right-leaning.”

Where is your democracy?

Why are we not given a referendum, with two options:

1.) send them all home

2.) legalize them all, bring the rest of them here


If “democracy” is rule by the people, why do the people have no influence whatsoever on public policy?