Mark Cuban is Jewish.
He would say this.
Jews feel threatened when you question “woke,” because literally all of this stuff was totally invented and pushed almost exclusively by Jews. “Wokeism” is an embodiment of Jewish values, and a way to force Jewish values on the goyim.
Billionaire “Shark Tank” star Mark Cuban said companies embracing “woke” ideology is just “good business,” pushing back against those who say it’s adversely affecting their bottom lines.
In an interview with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Sunday, the Dallas Mavericks owner spoke about the ongoing backlash against companies like Anheuser-Busch and the Target Corporation for promoting LGBTQ+ ideologies in their brands.
Since promoting what many consider “woke” agendas, both companies have suffered massive losses worth billions of dollars.
While experts and industry insiders have suggested that invoking politics led to this downturn, Cuban insisted that embracing wokeness is a positive trait.
“There is a reason almost all the top ten market cap companies in the US can be considered ‘woke.’ It’s good business,” he said.
Cuban explained, “Most CEOs have enough experience to know to just wait out the news cycle until they go to the next one.”
In reality, virtually no one likes this tranny bullshit. It’s a tiny percent of the population.
The reason these companies are doing this is because BlackRock and Vanguard are pushing this “ESG” program on them, which involves going full anal.
According to the most recent filings, BlackRock only has $36 million in the parent company of Budweiser. But that is enough to get a board seat. And anyway, they have such sway that they can manipulate others into doing their will.
A Forbes writer went through the corporate language used by Budweiser, and determined that the decision to put a tranny on the cans was almost certainly about ESG. So, this isn’t some conspiracy theory. That is why they are doing it. They are not doing it because it is profitable. Even if you don’t lose money, it is extremely high risk, and there is nothing to gain.
BlackRock and Vanguard will become bigger than the US government, and they will own everything in the country. Right now, they say BlackRock is only about $3.5 trillion and Vanguard is $4 trillion. In reality, these numbers don’t show anywhere near the real total. What’s more, BlackRock is the biggest shareholder in Vanguard and Vanguard is the biggest shareholder in BlackRock, so they are the same company, and there is a lot of other such overlap with big investment funds.
If you actually summed up Larry Fink’s empire, you’d find it is bigger than the US GDP.

When these private Jewish companies own everything, everything will basically be exactly like communism, in that this tiny minority will own everything and the peasants will own nothing.
The only difference will be that under communism, everything wasn’t gay. Also, communism had cooler aesthetics. Plus, communist governments had some kind of responsibility to the population that these companies simply do not have.

This is what I’ve tried to explain to libertarians so many times: when you don’t have checks and balances on corporate power, corporations will consolidate, and you will end up with a situation that is literally the same thing as communism. I don’t know why that confuses libertarians so much, other than because they are a cult.
I still like the Tom Woods podcast though.