Jewish Dennis Prager Talks Amount Managing Your Emotions After Being Called a Nazi

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 14, 2019

Dennis Prager is one of those rare charismatic Jews. Most Jews are repulsive and uncharismatic, literal caricatures out of Seinfeld or something. The one Jew with a similar countenance to Prager that comes to mind is the late Stan Lee of Marvel Comics, who was genuinely likable.

It’s like a Jewish superpower to not be repulsive, so he is somewhat interesting to watch.

For those who don’t know, Prager runs “Prager U,” which is a Jewish right-wing YouTube operation. To give you an idea where they are, they recently hired the black white nationalist Candace Owens after she left Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA.

Although he is less known than many shills, he is one of the key ideological figureheads of the fake, controlled opposition right-wing. He has been a Jewish activist his entire life, and began his career in the 1970s by speaking on the plight of Jews in the USSR and lobbying for them to be allowed to flee in mass numbers to the West, and America in particular. He wrote a book about how Judaism is an ethical religion, and preached morality, becoming known as the “Jewish Billy Graham” – this is despite the fact that he is pro-abortion. I have no specific reason to doubt that he believes as he says he believes with regards to his religious opposition to secular Judaism, and his dislike of homosexuals and Moslems, but all this means is that he is a Zionist shill, who is able to use some overlapping moral principles with Christians to force a Jewish agenda on them. He was #NeverTrump until Donald Trump got the Republican nomination, at which point he endorsed him, but said he was his “17th choice out of 17 candidates.”

Right-wing Jewish shills like Prager are dangerous because of the way they mix truths – sometimes very good truths – with lies and Jewish shilling. It is a magnificent art, this ability to start with something that people instinctively understand as true, and then use a kind of anti-Socratic method to lead people into believing a lie. This group of fake right-wing Jewish shills is much more dangerous than any lunatic leftist, and Prager is among the worst of them, both because of his charisma and the skill with which he uses the anti-Socratic method.

And yet, Prager is now being called a Nazi, along with his tribesfellow Ben Shapiro and the shabbos goy shill Jordan Peterson.

In his latest “fireside chat,” Prager responded to being called a Nazi, and talked about how he deals with this sort of thing. I was interested, because I am also called a Nazi – much more often than Jew Prager, at least thus far – as a way to insult me and claim that nothing I say matters because I am evil.

On the point of whether I am a Nazi or not – that is entirely irrelevant, because this is only being used as an insult. It is used against me in the same way it is used against the Jew Prager – simply to dismiss what I am saying. There is no definition of this word in the media – it just means “evil white man.”

I do not consider myself to be a “Nazi” in the way I am referred to as such, because this definition – or lack thereof – being used by the Jewish media has no meaning. I believe that Adolf Hitler was a great man who has been massively maligned and lied about by the Jewish establishment, I believe that Mein Kampf is among the most important books ever written and I believe that the National Socialists promoted a lot of common sense ideas. But I simply consider myself a nationalist and a traditionalist, and believe that my respect for Hitler and the NSDAP fits into that framework.

Hitler is, in my view, one of the many great Christian leaders of the European people.

Regrettably, Prager’s talk had to do with how to personally manage being insulted, not how to respond politically to these types of defamatory insults. He said: “I don’t let the insults go to my heart and I don’t let the compliments go to my head.” That is, to be fair, good enough advice, and advice that I would also give anyone. I don’t have a problem managing my emotions, and people hating me is actually a kind of fuel for me, as it drives my internal burning desire for revenge. And I’m not prone to pridefulness either, as I believe that my work is only going to be good if I am constantly, scathingly self-critical.

But sure, it’s good personal advice for a public figure.

He also says that the only thing that actually bothers him is being misquoted. And I agree with that, absolutely. The HuffPo has taken to printing literal fake quotes from me, and has refused to stop when I asked them to, actually continuing to fabricate more quotes while publicly acknowledging that I had asked them to stop. That was the angriest I’ve ever been on the internet.

However, what I was looking for here was some kind of Jewish strategy for politically managing these insults, and turning them around on the people making them. I have generally used the “agree and amplify” method of saying “yes, I am a Nazi and I plan to masturbate all Jews to death and when I am dictator, I will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law any wolves who hide you in their caves and feed you if you escape my masturbation machines.”

But I’m always looking for new ideas.

I should have known better than to think I’d get any from a fake right-wing Jewish shill. The only Jewish ideas that are ever interesting are the ones from radically honest Jews who forward their agenda with brutality, such as Saul Alinsky.

Just for the record, after saying the obviously true – though simplistic to the point of being almost useless, like something out of the Berenstain Bears (also Jewish) – thing about dealing with insults and praise, Prager went on to talk about how trannies should be respected and treated like the sex they claim to be.

Because of course.

Because Dennis Prager is most definitely not a Nazi.

He is of his father the devil, and the lusts of his father he will do. His father was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Those with eyes can see the curse of his father written on his face.