Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2020

The Jewish tranny Ezra Miller, who played The Flash in the Justice League movie, and was scheduled to play the character in a Flash movie, attacked a woman this week in Iceland.
He was in a store, and a woman, apparently a fan, approached him and he choked her and threw her on the ground.
I have rewatched this video of Ezra Miller choking a woman like 50x lmfao this is y’all tone deaf cop sympathizing—style stealing narcissistic white icon? #EzraMiller
— Ren(aissance) (@Hood_Vampire) April 5, 2020
Some defenders of the Jew are saying that he was just playing around, noting that the woman has a smile on her face. She did come up to him doing play-fighting, I guess referencing his role as a superhero. Then he said “oh, you wanna fight, huh?”
However, when she is dragged to the ground by her throat, someone can be heard saying “bro bro bro bro,” and no one enjoys being dragged to the ground by their throat. Actually, women probably do enjoy that.
So who knows.
I hope the woman comes out and says it was an assault, because this will destroy his career.
The guy is clearly always on drugs in interviews when he’s railing against the patriarchy.
Anyway, it doesn’t really matter at this point. It’s not like they’re going to be making all these movies after the hysteria from the virus breaks. Ain’t nobody gonna be going to see no movies.
All of this stuff is going to get canceled.
Of course, they’re going to have to provide some form of entertainment to keep the people sedated, but it will all be Netflix. Maybe some of these movie franchises will move to streaming services. If people can’t afford the $15 a month for Netflix, the government will pay it, because that will help keep people from rioting.
Anyway, this clip of the Jew tranny attacking the woman will lead to some good laughs, I think.
So much for rejecting toxic masculinity.
People on Twitter are depressed that the hero of trannyism – the first tranny to be a big star – has turned out to be an unstable person.
Because no one could have predicted that.
Ezra Miller…pls….why must EVERY man disappoint
— ? (@bartttender) April 6, 2020
god dammit ezra miller i thought i could TRUST YOU
— nadia (@officiaInadia) April 6, 2020
Why do I feel so betrayed with the Ezra Miller’s video?…
— fer ? (@AdorYouHS) April 6, 2020
ezra miller … i really liked u
— cat • pansy’s y/n ? (@stinkydraco) April 6, 2020
Ezra Miller turns out to be problematic I fucking hate 2020
— Salma (@braincellswho) April 6, 2020