Major backlash has ensued following Ye’s interview with Noreaga on Drink Champs. The backlash is entirely Jewish, but the Jews are hiding behind the blacks, saying that the problem was that Ye said Derek Chauvin didn’t really stand on George Floyd’s neck.
Following the Jewlash, that house nigger Noeraga went full kikesucker after Jews threatened to black ball him.
On Monday, he went on Hot 97’s Jewish rap show “Ebro in the Morning” and sucked host Peter Rosenberg’s cock. This is, frankly, the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
I’m going to tell you honestly: it would have been less disgusting if Noreaga had gone to a synagogue and had an entire tribe of rabbis do bukkake on him. If you don’t know what bukkake is – you’re lying, you all know what it is. He would have walked away from that scene with more dignity than he has now.
There is nothing more offensive to me than watching a grown man debase himself, getting down on his knees and begging like this. I’m just going to tell you the truth: no slave master ever would have done this to a slave. Even if a slave master did humiliate a slave like Peter Rosenberg humiliated Noreaga, the slave could at least say “what do you want? I’m a slave, I don’t have any say in this.”
Noreaga also called into The Breakfast Club and apologized to that faggot Charlamagne, who is one of the biggest house nigger kikesuckers on earth (he is gay).
Meanwhile, Fat Joe came out and said that Noreaga is a pussy, and shouldn’t have apologized for doing his job. Fat Joe is not even black.
Ye drew a backlash years ago when he talked about “New Slaves” and said that we might as well repeal the 13th Amendment because blacks are still acting like slaves. This is just true. House niggers have zero self-respect, and they would have self-respect if they were working in a field picking cotton. That is honest work. Sucking Jew cock is dishonest work. It is filthy work. It is scum work. Noreaga is a race traitor.
That ratty kike Rosenberg told Noreaga he should have “pushed back” more. Again, this was framed as if he should have pushed back more on the George Floyd thing, but it is actually about the Jews. This is what Jews do: they try to get the blacks to go along with this outrage agenda, and be outraged about politically incorrect speech, like the Jews. But this is not natural to the blacks. The blacks, by their nature, will just say “well, I guess that’s his personal view.” They are not going to call for people to be silenced just because they disagree with them.
If you look at the “political” blacks, it is almost all women, then a few homosexuals like DeRay McKesson, and at worst, white people pretending to be black like Shaun King. Actual black people are just going to say “but that’s what he think tho.” But Jews have forced this outrage thing on them, and through the internet and the media, given the impression that a significant portion of the black population is saying “NOOOO!!! U CAN’T SAY THAT!!!”
Noreaga even said that he supports free speech, and he was just hearing Ye’s view. Then he said that after the backlash – which was just Jews threatening to destroy his life and take all his money – he has stopped believing in free speech. He also said that he has never edited his interviews, and now he is going to start editing them. This really demonstrates how artificial everything in this public society is. Everything is being monitored and modified by the Jews. The Jews put people in these positions, around the blacks or anyone else, and they decide what is allowed and what isn’t allowed.
If you watch the Drink Champs show – which has now been removed from their channel – you can see that for all of their faults, blacks are good natured and jolly. Noreaga is a good representative of the blacks, actually. Blacks have a kind of childlike wonder to them, and they are open to any idea, because they don’t really think ten steps ahead to unpack the potential reverb of an idea. Blacks do have lower IQs than white people, but they tend to be much more frank and honest. Whenever white people hear someone mention the Jews, they tense up, because even if they don’t really understand why, they understand that there is a pain mechanism associated with that topic. You readers have all likely witnessed this: you say the word “Jew” in a social setting, and all of a sudden everyone goes stiff. Black people do not have that. Blacks have a very extreme reaction when they feel they’ve been personally insulted, but when it comes to just saying completely impersonal ideas, they will just say, “hmm, okay, yeah, I feel you.” Maybe it’s related to the IQ differential, but there is definitely a lot more curiosity there. The Jews know that, of course, and that is why they are flipping out and screaming to shut it down.
Here’s the thing: it is very obvious that if Ye would have only said that Black Lives Matter is a scam and George Floyd died of fentanyl, nothing really would have happened. The media would have complained and admonished Ye, but then it would have been dropped and there wouldn’t be any real lasting consequences. The Jews definitely would not have went in and threatened Noreaga and told him to get down on his knees and beg forgiveness from a kike DJ. There is definitely a certain amount of censorship when you talk about blacks, but you can still do it. Laura Ingraham can go on Fox News and say “black people commit so many crimes because they don’t have fathers.” The claim that George Floyd died of fentanyl is also a mainstream view on the right, which is said causally on Fox News and on sites like Breitbart and New York Post.
That is to say: talking about blacks is generally discouraged, but it doesn’t ruin your life. These people are now saying that they are going to sue Ye, Alex Jones Sandy Hoax style, for saying George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose.
While one cannot defame the dead, the family of #GeorgeFloyd is considering suit for Kanye’s false statements about the manner of his death.
Claiming Floyd died from fentanyl not the brutality established criminally and civilly undermines & diminishes the Floyd family’s fight.
— Lee Merritt (@MerrittForTexas) October 16, 2022
But Fox News and others have been saying this exact thing for years. All that Ye was doing was citing the Candace Owens documentary. No one threatened to sue Fox or Owens for saying this exact same thing. So it’s all about Jews. It is not about black people. The Jews are using black people as a shield, like they always do.
With regards to what the Jews are saying about the Drink Champs interview: Noreaga is a journalist, and he is not required to “push back.” For centuries, since the start of journalism, the industry was intended to be primarily objective. Certainly, an interview is meant to be objective. Noreaga did this interview, and allowed Ye to say what he wanted to say. All of these Jews have the right to then come out and comment on what was said, and denounce it or whatever. That’s their right. But Noreaga’s only job as a journalist was what he said he perceived his job as: to hear what Ye had to say. This idea that he has an obligation to “push back” was just invented on the fly, because what they really mean is that he shouldn’t have interviewed Ye in the first place.
Furthermore: he did “push back” and ask Ye about the black stuff. He started talking about “but Ye, what if your kids got killed by whites?” He talked about the black issues because he cares about them personally. Truly, it is kind of extreme for him to have disagreed with Ye in the way he did. Ye is the richest black man in history, and he’s responsible for blowing up Noreaga’s podcast, so for him to question Ye at all is a big deal.
Here’s the clip.
Therefore, the Jews can’t even say “oh you should have talked about George Floyd,” because he did talk about George Floyd. He said “but Ye, what about our people?” He didn’t say much about the Jews, because why should he? He’s not Jewish, that is not his issue. The Jews are saying that everyone is required to defend them whenever anyone says anything about them – including if they simply state known facts, like Ye did – because of the Holocaust. They will really say this: “everyone on earth is required to constantly defend the Jews, because of the Holocaust.” It’s absurd.
What Noreaga did, begging and apologizing like this, proves everything Ye is saying about blacks being fake hard. This is a guy who made all these songs about killing cops.
What do you call that, when a black guy is out there talking about how hard he is, how he’s a soldier, how he’s gonna kill cops, and then he goes and sucks a Jew’s cock because the Jew didn’t like something one of his friends said about the Jews?
There is a list of things that you’re definitely never allowed to say, ever, and “we should kill cops” is not on that list. Everything that is on that list relates to the Jews. Again, you can talk about black people. You can talk about white people. You can say Moslems are terrorists and abuse women. You can talk about trannies and gays. The one group you can’t talk about is the Jews. And the things you are not allowed to say about the Jews are all true. What did Kanye say that wasn’t true?
- He said Jews control the media
- He said 90% of rappers are signed to Jewish record labels, while there are zero Jewish artists signed to black producers
- He said celebrities all have Jewish handlers
- He said Jews undermined Donald Trump
- He said Jews are against white people and try to use blacks to silence white voices
- He said Jews have a liberal agenda that they push through their control of the media and through the Democrat Party
- He said Jews have different sexual values than Christians
- He said Jews have messed with his money and messed with his family
- He said Jews promoted the narrative that he is insane
- He said Jews despise Christianity
- He said Jews promote divorce, while Christians don’t allow it
All of those things are demonstrably, factually true. You can prove all of those things. The best that the Jews can say about this in an open discussion – which never happens – is that the individuals doing these things are Jewish but that doesn’t reflect on Jews as a whole. That is of course an argument, and an argument they could make in an open discussion, but it is still true that the people doing these things are definitely Jewish. Again: it is obvious that if the Chinese people in America were doing all of these things, people would say “Chinese do these things.” Everyone would understand that you’re not necessarily talking about all Chinese people, but that there is nonetheless a collective Chinese agenda which you can identify, and which we should be allowed to discuss.
That is the thing about all of this: the Jewish demand is that you are not allowed to discuss the Jews. You are not allowed to talk about their power, you are not allowed to talk about how they use that power. If we could have an open discussion about Jewish power, everyone would have to agree that Jews are very powerful. Jews dominate entire industries, including the entertainment industry. Everyone involved knows that, but they are saying “you can’t say that.” It is a bizarre situation, to have the people with the most power so above criticism that you can’t even say they have power. There reason is that if someone has power, they also have accountability, and the Jews have an agenda that virtually no one agrees with, so they can’t afford to have accountability. Beyond that, there is also a question of why this group of foreigners from the Middle East should be controlling the country of white people and black people.
Imagine if there was a king, and he lived in the palace, and he made the laws, but you weren’t allowed to say he was the king. Imagine if you would lose your job, get sued and lose all your money, maybe even lose your family if you said “the king is the king.” It sounds absurd, but it is exactly what is happening with these Jews.
It is simply ridiculous that Jews are claiming not to have power, while they will also use their power to destroy your life if you say they have power. If they didn’t have any power, they wouldn’t be able to destroy your life like that. The Jews constantly claim that white people have all this power, but anyone can say whatever they want about white people. You can say whites should be killed. When Noreaga himself talked about killing cops, the implication is white cops.
Whites have all the power, but they can’t stop people from calling for them to be killed, but Jews are somehow victims, yet they can silence a billionaire cultural icon for saying they have power?
This situation was never sustainable. There was never a timeline on which Jews could control the entire society while also saying that no one is allowed to talk about their control of society, or question what it is they are doing with that control. Eventually, these claims about vague, shadowy white people who work for oil companies (or whatever) being secretly in control of society would become too ridiculous, and as more and more things that people hate happened in society, people would want to know who is actually in charge.
The peasants do not really have any actual ability to question the power. I’ve been out here for over a decade saying that Jews are in control, and I was easily silenced, because I don’t have the money needed to actually push back and defend myself against the Jews when they’re swarming me. Most of the peasantry will continue to believe what they are told by the media, and if it gets to the point where they don’t, there is nothing they can actually do. If one of them stands up, they will get picked off. A revolution was always going to require people with serious money and power saying that they are sick of being controlled by the Jews.
Ye is the richest black man ever in history, he’s one of the single most famous musicians ever, and they’re telling him he’s not allowed to say what he thinks. He’s saying “no, I’m gonna say what I’m gonna say, and if you’re going to kill me, that’s just how it’s going to be. But when I’m dead, someone else is going to come after me and go even harder.”
This is the beginning. Everything before Ye going Death Con 3 was just a warm-up. Now the real war starts. The question is now posed to everyone in this country: what kind of country do you want? Who do you want to be in power? Do you want normal people in power, people who are related to you and represent your interests, or do you want a gang of foreign Jews with a weird agenda to rule over you and force their agenda on you?
The obvious answer for the overwhelming majority of the population is that America is a white country with a large native black population, so the people with power should be mostly whites with a minority representation of blacks. The people with power should be representatives of the masses of peasants, because the peasants are the people who actually make the country, the peasants are the ones who do the work that allows for powerful people to be powerful in the first place. Powerful people rule the peasants, they have the ability to make decisions about what happens to the peasants, and in fact this comes down to life and death – the powerful control the government, and can decide to imprison or kill members of the society. Therefore, the people in power must be accountable to the peasants, and they must rule with the approval of the peasants, and if the peasants ever feel as though the powerful no longer exist to serve the best interests of the population at large, the peasants have a right to remove the powerful from power, to take their positions and their wealth and give it to people more deserving. This is how power has always functioned, going all the way back to tribal times: rulers have always ruled with the consent of the governed. This phenomenon of a foreign minority group totally dominating the society while also claiming not to be in power is simply bizarre, and it is totally new. The reason that it’s new is that before the modern era, it would have been totally impossible to implement. This system requires urbanization, and it requires a high-tech media apparatus.
As if things could not get anymore obvious, we already know what the people want. We’ve already seen who will rise to positions of power and influence. Whites, if given the choice, are going to pick representatives like Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Elon Musk, and blacks will pick representatives like Ye. In general, people want traditional values to be maintained. They want Christianity, they want freedom, they want to continue their holiday celebrations that their ancestors did. People do not like change, as a rule. The only reason that trannies or mass immigration are possible is that there is this looming threat that the system will destroy anyone who questions it.
It’s all very simple, it’s all very obvious, but it is nonetheless going to take a war to fix this mess that the Jews created. Ye is the first soldier to go out there and say “then you’re gonna have to kill me.” The war is on now. People are going to have to choose sides. You’re either with Ye, or you’re with the Jews, and there is no middle ground.
Everything is on the line now, and the Jews are going to escalate. It’s possible or even probable that they’re just going to kill Ye. I would not be remotely surprised if his car or plane crashed in the next couple of months. This is something where the Mossad is going to get involved. If they think they can drive him insane, or entrap him in some crime, or buck break him with lawsuits, they will do that, but if it really comes down to it, they are just going to kill him, and let that serve as the example. But even if they do kill him, he’s set in motion a process that is going to end in a resolution, one way or the other.
Get ready for that.
If I had Ye’s ear right now, I would say that the single best thing he can do at this point is drop a really good album, as that will serve to remind the people.