Jewropean Commission Demands Female Quota on Boards of Companies

If they are, why do they need affirmative action?

Any gender disparity is a result of sexism.

Man hate women due to the shape of their genitals. And because they are afraid of female power, because actually, women are better than men at everything and have only ever been held back through violence.


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is making a new push at boosting women’s representation on company boards, trying to unblock European legislation for a women’s quota that has been stuck since 2012.

Brussels proposed then that listed companies in the bloc must fill at least 40% of non-executive board seats with women.

The target would be reached by giving priority to the candidate of the under-represented sex when equally qualified persons apply for the same job.

The proposed directive does not set out sanctions, but companies not achieving the goal would have to explain why and spell out what steps they will take to meet the target.

Greece is one of just eight EU countries to have adopted national mandatory gender quotas for listed companies.

Greece is doing a lot of weird stuff lately.

But no one beats US-occupied Germany in the retard Olympics.

People should read Aristophanes’ Assemblywomen, written in 391 BC, for more information on the theory that the only reason women aren’t in charge of everything is millions of years of oppression.

You can also study the history of female monarchs to get an idea of how this tends to work out.

Women belong in the home. Period.