British Jews Lead Interfaith Group Apologizing to Homosexuals

One of the worst mistakes in all of human history was for people to say that homosexuality is morally wrong.

You see, being gay is simply a kind of love. And no love can ever be wrong.

Here are some examples of love:

  1. Hugging your grandma
  2. Taking your son on a fishing trip
  3. Buying a kitten for your kid sister
  4. Having a romantic evening with your wife over a candlelit dinner
  5. Meeting a stranger in a truck stop bathroom and sadistically ramming your penis into his anus, tearing his anal tissue as you use his anus to masturbate your penis, and then ejaculating into his poop

All of those things are equal and they are the same.

Love is love.


It’s time for Christians to apologize.

The Jews are leading the way.

Jewish Chronicle:

Hundreds of faith leaders from around the world have asked forgiveness from LGBT+ people whose lives have been damaged by religious teachings in a declaration launched on Wednesday.

They have called for an end to the criminalisation of people on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and to attempts to suppress their identity through “conversion therapy”.

The Global Interfaith Commission on LGBT+ Lives has been co-chaired by Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, former Senior Rabbi of Reform Judaism, and the Bishop of Liverpool, the Right Reverend Paul Bayes.

The 370 signatories to the 10-point “Declaring the Sanctity of Life and the Dignity of All” say they:

“affirm that all human beings of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions are a precious part of creation and are part of the natural order.

“recognise with sadness that certain religious teachings have often, throughout the ages, caused and continue to cause deep pain and offence to those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex.

“acknowledge with profound regret that some of our teachings have created to create, oppressive systems that fuel intolerance, perpetuate injustice and result in violence

“ask for forgiveness from those who lives have been damaged and destroyed on the pretext of religious teaching”.

It’s time for people to come together and declare that homosexuality is morally good, and that the gay lifestyle is healthy.