Joe “Kick a Spic” Biden is Putting the Wet Back in “Wetback” as Miami Beach Goes Full MIAMI BEACH, NIGGA

This is filler; I already wrote about the border today, but Joe Biden’s brutal caging of children is the number one story in America.

Google filters this, I am not logged into Google, I am not using cookies. Those are what the algorithm determines are the most popular articles.

Meanwhile, on r/News…

CNN has removed the top story and replaced it with this:

That might be the funniest headline I’ve ever read in my entire life. The media really is becoming a crappier version of my parody articles.

Is it about immigrants? Hong Kongese? Falun Gong? Uyghurs? Thais? Russians? Venezuelans? Burmese?

I prefer the mystery, and knowing that it could be any of those to clicking the link.

No but yeah seriously tho – Joe Biden is going to end up being the most hated person who ever lived. His entire brand is based around not being Donald Trump, and Donald Trump is gone, and his people are creating all of these crises, and not doing any of the things they said they were going to do.

The plan is obviously to stem dissent using mass censorship and police violence – but will that work? We’re talking about Joe Biden having a lower approval rating than Nero, or Cromwell’s son, or whatever. Like, the lowest amount of support of any leader of any country ever in history.

Sixty percent of the country supported Donald Trump – at least. The only people left supporting Joe Biden will be the lowest level of brown people and Jews.

Speaking of Donald Trump – Donald Trump is making stairs jokes.

Did you guys hear about that spring break thing?

The whiny Jew mayor of Miami Beach declared a state of emergency because a group of youthful joggers declared the pandemic was over and it’s PARTY TIME, NIKKA.

ABC News:

Amid concerns of a COVID-19 surge following spring break parties, the city of Miami Beach declared a state of emergency for its entertainment district on Saturday. Pepper balls were used to control crowds Saturday night as law enforcement tried to enforce a new curfew. The Miami Beach City Commission has enacted a Thursday-to-Sunday 8 p.m. curfew for the entertainment district through the morning of April 12.

Blacks just might make themselves useful for the first time since the advent of the cotton gin – literally by acting like black people.

This local ABC News affiliate report on the PARTY is 70% vaccine advertisements. It’s nuts. They keep taking breaks from the news story to advertise vaccines. It is illegal to advertise the vaccine, it’s an emergency measure that is not approved by the FDA, which means it is illegal to advertise it. Watch this bullshit.

They wilin.

Them niggas be wilin.

Dem skank ass Party Po-lees rainin down on a nigga, but a nigga gon keep on wilen like a mufffugga.

Dat Joo muffugguh dun put the po-lees on a nigga, dey coverin he black ass like rain water.

Imagine if this summer, instead of rioting and burning down every city in America saying they want to kill whites, they just went out and partied. But instead of encouraging it like they did with the rioting and looting, they say partying is illegal, and they beat them with batons (which is now happening in Miami Beach).

Then imagine there are two groups of blacks on the same street: one group is rioting, looting and burning buildings, and the other group is dancing, smoking blunts, and grinding on bitches, and the police come out and kneel before the murderous and pyrogenic rioting looters, then start beating the partiers with their bats.

I mean, I guess at this point, white people would just say “well, that’s science for you.”

But it would be really funny.

What would the explanation be?

There is already no explanation as to how this MIAMI PARTY is more dangerous than a BLM protest. It’s all the same people, in the same place, they’re just not committing acts of looting and arson. They probably will start, I guess, because that’s something that just seems to happen when there is a group of blacks. They burned some cars already.

But I think that even if blacks were violently partying, if it wasn’t a state-directed anti-white hate event, the violence wouldn’t justify the party. I guess? Do we even have a way to know that? Is all black violence good, or is it just explicitly anti-white black violence that is good?

I think that only Antifa-BLM hate mobs (and Walmart and Lowe’s) are allowed to bend VIRUS LAW.

This theorem was never tested.

Until now.

Miami muffugguh!

We wilen out herrrr!